The VIII International scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students “Perspectives of development of biology, medicine and pharmacy” was held on 9-10th of December 2021 in honor of 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the Board of Science at Nursultan Nazarbayev Fund and the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. At the plenary meeting a pupil of group FM18-3 Khamitova Aibanu made a report on theme: “Therapeutical effectiveness of biological active substance- Astmosil in lingering cough”. Supervisor: senior teacher of the department of pharmaceutical disciplines Temireeva K.S.

And also on section “Biotechnology and Nanotechnology: a glance in the future” the student of FM19-2 Asanova Gulshat acted on a theme “Application of nanotechnology in medical practice”. Supervisor: candidate of medical sciences associate professor Sultanov AK.
December 10 at the end of the conference Aibanu Khamitova was awarded a diploma for the best research paper. Asanova Gulshat for speech at the section “Biotechnology and Nanotechnology: a look into the future” received a certificate
on behalf of Rector of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy M.M. Rysbekov received a thank-you letter from Rector of “Bolashaq” Academy Kuralbay Nesipbekovich Menlibayev. As well as supervisors of scientific works Sultanov A.K. and Temireeva K.S.