“Troubled times”: novelties of the book fund

The library of the Academy of “Bolashaq” presents to your attention a new historical edition, which came to the book fund.

The library invites readers to 17 Abaya Street.

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P 99

Time of Troubles. Unknown pages of the famous history / B. Ayagan, A. Auanasova, E. Nurpeisov. – Almaty: Litera-M LLP, 2017. – 320 с.
ISBN 978-601-80568-6-4

The book examines the history of the formation of the power of the Soviets and its impact on Kazakhstan. Against the background of socio-political events of the early 20th century the struggle of the Alash and Turkestan intelligentsia for independence, the attitude of political currents and movements to the Sovietization of Kazakhstan and the Turkestan region, and their activities in the turbulent events of 1917 which entailed a split in society and other negative events are shown.

The work assesses the formal Soviet Kazakh statehood and totalitarianism, which laid the foundation of the Soviet political system for years to come. The popular scientific publication is intended for all those who are interested in the history of sovietization of Kazakhstan in the early twentieth century, the relationship of national intelligentsia with the Bolshevik power.

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