Training workshop to improve religious and legal literacy

On December 6, 2019, the Department of Internal Policy of Karaganda and the public organization “Nurly Bilim” held a training seminar to improve religious and legal literacy. The participants of the seminar were B.B. Akhmetova, Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work, and the Director of “Rukhaniyat” Center A.U. Aupenova  and senior lecturer of “Finance” Department A.Z. Apeyeva.

Theologian of “Nurly bilim”, religious scholar, historian Syzdykov R.M. gave a lecture on the theme: “Features of activity realization on prevention of religious extremism and terrorism in the conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

With participants of a seminar-training the dialogue platform on the following circle of questions was conducted:

– How to distinguish traditional religion from non-traditional one?

– What are the consequences of religious illiteracy? 

– In what the basic rules of religious safety for teenagers and youth consist?

The methodological materials for curatorial hours and conversations to improve religious and legal literacy, developed by specialists of the NGO “Nurly bilim”, can be found on the page of the social network “Vkontakte” in the “Documents” section.

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