On January 16, 2025, the non-profit institution “Independent Kazakhstan Accreditation Center”, which has the status of a legal entity, created in the organizational and legal form of a non-governmental non-profit institution to increase the competitiveness of educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the national and international levels through the procedures of institutional, specialized accreditation and rating research, held an online training seminar for new IKAC experts.

From the “Bolashaq Academy”, the following participated in this seminar: PhD, Associate Professor Bokizhanova G.K., PhD, Associate Professor Abilkasimova G.K., PhD, Professor Kabzhanov A.T., PhD, Professor Sembiev K.Z., PhD, Associate Professor Pakhomova Doctor of Sciences, PhD, Associate Professor Abdrakhmanova A.S., PhD Gazikhanova Zh.G.
At the seminar, the Deputy Director of the NCCA, Professor Adilgazinov G.Z., and the Director of the Department of Methodology, Monitoring and Quality Assurance Syzdykov E.K. made informative reports and presentations.
Director of the Department of Methodology, Monitoring and Quality Assurance Syzdykov E.K. He gave an idea of the assessment of the quality of educational services provided by educational organizations and educational programs implemented by educational organizations based on the current standards of institutional and specialized accreditation of the NCCA, reviewed the standards and criteria of institutional and specialized accreditation, analyzing as an example each of the criteria of all 8 standards of specialized accreditation, showing that they take into account important provisions of national legislation in the field of education.
The IKAC Deputy Director, Professor G.Z. Adilgazinov, reviewed the content of European standards and guidelines for quality assurance of higher education in the European area and analyzed the NCCA accreditation standards developed in full compliance with ESG standards.

At the end of his speech, Professor Adilgazinov G.Z. focused on the requirements for the structure, content and design of reports, uniformity in understanding and interpreting the concepts of “remark”, “recommendation”, “good practice”, as well as a single three-dimensional assessment system “corresponds”, “corresponds with comments”, “does not correspond”.
In the opinion of the seminar participants, the presentations of the speakers were mutually conditioned and complemented each other, forming a single whole for the effective training of external experts and ensuring the procedures for institutional and specialized accreditation of educational organizations.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor G.K.Bokizhanova