The meeting of the Project Management Group of the Educational and Methodological Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On May 10, 2024, a meeting of the Project Management Group of the Educational and Methodological Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan took place. The meeting was dedicated to discussing certification courses in Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Management, and proposing them for consideration to the Educational and Methodological Council of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council.

Representatives from all pharmaceutical universities, faculties, and departments of Kazakhstan participated in the meeting. From the “Bolashaq” Academy, members of the Project Management Group of the Educational and Methodological Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Clinical Medicine, D.K. Pakhomova and S.K. Boldysh, who is a member of the Project Management Group for Pharmacy Management, attended.

The certification courses were developed in accordance with regulatory documents (ORK, Order No. 305, No. 218, etc.). The Clinical Pharmacy program comprised 1800 hours (60 credits) and was divided into 11 modules covering general issues of clinical pharmacy and specific nosology. The Pharmacy Management program consisted of 300 hours (10 credits).

Intense discussion arose regarding the assessment of knowledge at the end of the certification courses. In accordance with Order No. 249, it was approved that the assessment should proceed in two stages: 1) knowledge assessment; 2) skills assessment.

The question of the balance between distance and offline learning during the certification courses was also discussed.

Overall, significant work has been done in creating the programs. Both certification courses received positive evaluations from reviewers. It was decided to submit the certification courses for consideration to the Educational and Methodological Council of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council (UMO RUMS) after some revisions.

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