On May 14th, the final conference of the diploma practice students of the DOV-20-2 group took place. The supervisor of the practice was Ph.D., Associate Professor Roza Zhiembayevna Shaltaeva.
The conference was attended by faculty members of the Department of Pedagogy:
- Acting head of the department, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.S. Abdrakhmanova
- Ph.D., Associate Professor R.Zh. Shaltaeva
- Senior lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, R.M. Zhanysbayeva
- Senior lecturer, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, G.T. Talikova
- Deputy head of the department for educational work, E.A. Alexeeva
The diploma practice took place from April 8th to May 10th, 2024, at the “Aigolek” kindergarten in the city of Karaganda.
The practical experience gained during the diploma practice, within the framework of the education and upbringing program 6B01201 “Teaching and Upbringing in School,” played a significant role in the preparation process of students studying under the educational program. Therefore, the main goal of the practice, which is to enhance the educational and upbringing process, as well as to address scientific, psychological, and pedagogical issues, was successfully achieved.

During the diploma practice, students were tasked with conducting in-depth research and preparing individual assignments to safeguard and enhance their diploma work. This involved analyzing various sources and specialized literature.
Upon completion of the diploma practice, students demonstrated their ability to solve complex tasks in accordance with their qualifications.
This practice was aimed at deepening students’ professional skills and preparing the theoretical and practical components of their diploma work. General assignments included creating a methodological framework and subsequently conducting research on the topic of the diploma thesis according to the established scientific research scheme.

Abish Tolganay and Boken Altantsetseg conducted research on the topic of professional competence and were able to interpret its results. Additionally, they organized and systematized the obtained information. Tolganay and Altantsetseg provided calculations (based on their experimental work) on the results of research on the topic of professional competence, compiled conclusions based on their practical experience, and clarified their work through presentations.

Abish Tolganay: “During the sports period, I utilized games and relay races outlined in the prepared plan; various situations were created to develop physical qualities in sports games: children in the team performed physical exercises several times with great enthusiasm, which contributed to the formation of their physical qualities. Additionally, tasks such as developing children’s language, counting skills, spatial orientation, and various assignments were carried out. Within the sports period, activities aimed at educating children up to school age were planned and implemented.”

Boken Altantsetseg conducted practical work on her diploma project on the topic of “Developing Fine Motor Skills in Children of School Age Through Non-Traditional Drawing Methods,” compiling materials and conducting research on the topic during the practice.
At the end of the experiment, she was able to achieve the goals and objectives she set, carrying out various assignments with children up to school age, seeking assistance whenever needed, and successfully completing the assigned tasks.
During the practice, working with children in the garden brought me joy and allowed me to develop my creativity, acting, and organizational skills. I am immensely grateful to the faculty members, especially to Roza Mazrapovna, Roza Zhiembayevna, and Zhanna Mukhametkhanovna, for their invaluable support.”
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences., Associate Professor R.Zh. Shaltaeva