In accordance with the National Plan of Action for the organization and conduct of the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan Department of Legal Disciplines of the Academy “Bolashaq” jointly with the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan August 28, 2020 held a scientific and practical forum dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme: “The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan-guarantor of stability and prosperity of Kazakh society.
The forum was held in the mode of the conference.

The forum was attended by representatives of local government bodies of Karaganda region, prosecutor’s office, police, law enforcement agencies and public associations.
The scientific representation of the forum participants was made by prominent domestic and foreign scientists representing universities.

Akylbek Taybulatovich Kabzhanov, the head of the department of legal disciplines, Candidate of Jurisprudence, professor, made an opening speech. He congratulated the forum participants on the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, noted the importance of the Constitution of Kazakhstan in the “Kazakhstan way of development” and the role of the Constitutional Council in ensuring the stability and supremacy of the Constitution.

Bekmurzaev Bakhtiyar Bekmurzaev, Director of “Kogamdyk kelisim” of the Karaganda Region Akim’s Office, delivered a congratulatory speech.
The plenary session was attended:
- Amandykova Saule Koshkenovna – Vice President of the International University “Astana”, Dean of the Higher School of Law of the International University “Astana”, Doctor of Law, Professor.
The topic of the report: “The Constitution is the basis for the formation and development of civil society”; - Ekaterina Nikolaeva, PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law at the Institute of History and Law of the N.F. Katanov Khakassia State University, Republic of Khakassia.
Theme of the report: “Questions of classification of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan”; - Syzdyk Bolat Кеneluly, Ph.D. Professor.
Theme of the report: “Constitution -main law”; - Valeria V. Kozina, Doctor of Science, Professor, Department of History of Kazakhstan and ANK, Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov.
Theme of the report: “The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the pledge of stability and harmony in society”; - 5. Kabzhanov A.T. Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines Candidate of Jurisprudence, Professor
The topic of the report: Analysis of Constitution of Independent Kazakhstan; - Zhumanova Ayman Zeynelgabdenovna PhD, Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and APK, Karaganda State University named after E.A.Buketov.
Topic: “Main Law of Kazakhstan -Value of Independence”; - Natalya Sidorova, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Relations, Karaganda Economic University of the KazPotrebsoyuz, Candidate of Laws, Associate Professor
The theme of the report: “Twenty-five years of the Constitution of Kazakhstan: from the establishment of democratic foundations of statehood to an open and hearing state”.
The great interest among the forum participants was aroused by the report of E.A. Sagalakov, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of KSU named after N.F. Katanov, Abakan, Republic of Khakassia Sagalakov on the theme: The crisis of parliamentarism in Russia.
We thank the organizers of the forum: Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines Sadykova Kokesh Karigulovna and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Okashev Rustem Dauletkozhaevich for professionally organized forum, high-quality and relevant material of the speakers, which allowed to get new information for our fruitful work for the benefit of the sovereign Kazakhstan!
At the end of the event it is planned to publish the materials of the forum, which will be posted on the website of the Academy “Bolashaq”.