On November 20, a meeting with representatives of graduates of previous years was held in the conference hall of the Bolashaq Academy.
The meeting was opened by the vice-rector of the SVR Academy “Bolashaq” Ismailova R.N. In her speech, she spoke about the achievements of the educational institution and the successes of its graduates and wished all participants to be proud of their title of Alma mater graduates and achieve high peaks in their professional activities.

Today’s meeting was also a continuation of this tradition. Among the guests is a graduate of 2016 – Kazymova Aidana Zeynullayevna. She graduated from the specialty “Kazakh language and literature”. Students studying in this field listened with interest to her story and tried to delve into some of the subtleties of the future profession.

At the meeting with Aidana Zeynullayeva, the students learned about her work, memories of student life and her life values.
What professional path did you choose after graduating from the academy?
– After successfully graduating from the academy, in the first year she worked in the library sector in the village of Kerney, Bukhar-Zhyrau district. Working in the library field, I collaborated with readers and consolidated my knowledge. In 2017, she got married and began professional teaching in the Nurinsky district.
Has the Academy diploma helped you achieve your career goals?
- Yes, of course, when we leave the gates of the Academy and enter the professional world, our career path begins. The diploma of the Academy helped me achieve my career goals, today I am a teacher of the Kazakh language and literature at the secondary school named after M. Zhumabayev in the Nurinsky district.

What skills have you acquired at the academy that you find most useful in your work?
– I put mental, work and cultural skills first.

What difficulties did you face at the beginning of your professional career?
– I can’t say that there were difficulties at the beginning of my professional career. When I joined an educational institution, I easily became friends with colleagues and quickly adapted to the environment.
- What achievements in your career are you particularly proud of?
– The pride of a teacher is his students, his ability to give them productive knowledge. I think this is a great achievement for a teacher if his students participate in intra-school, district, regional Olympiads and achieve success.

What are the brightest moments from your student life that you remember?
– Student life is a special period in a person’s life, when, one might say, difficulties and joys alternate every day. At first you are alone in a big city, without parents, you miss, but you study, and then you slowly begin to get used to a new environment. Boundary checks, exams, the library, writing essays, term papers, scientific papers … all this is filled with fond memories.
What are your favorite teachers at the academy?
– Of course, you will never forget your teachers.- I warmly remember Khamzin Mauen Khamzievich, Ismailova Raykhan Nalzhigitovna, Babashov Azat Maksutbekovich, Rayhan Galievna, Bayan Amanzholovna.
Do you have a story from your student years that you often tell to friends or colleagues?
There were a lot of interesting events in student life. Khamzin’s teacher, Mauen Khamzievich, used to give us assignments on the works of writers. In the group, we did an analysis of these works. Once I got a piece by Oralkhan Bokei, “Don’t put out your Fire.” I couldn’t get out of my impressions for so long that it dragged me down, and I began to read and reread. During the lesson, the teacher sometimes reads an excerpt from the book, opening any page, and we had to continue further. I tell my students about this and other things, and I often remember my favorite student years.
What did you do outside of school – attend clubs, events, or do projects?
She participated in extracurricular expressive reading contests. There was a club “Zhas Kalamger” in the Karaganda regional Youth Library named after J. Bekturov, which I often visited, participated in and listened to poetry with pleasure.
Based on your own experience, what advice would you give to current students?
-Reading books, frequent participation in extracurricular activities, being a versatile person, expanding horizons.
How do you imagine the development of your professional activity in the next 5 years?
– I imagine myself as a qualified specialist who prepares his students to participate in the Olympiad on a national scale and achieves success and much more…
Do you plan to keep in touch with the Academy through workshops, lectures or meetings with current students?
- Of course, as we know, a teacher should always be on the lookout. This not only gives knowledge, but also hardens, and skills are acquired.

What skills and knowledge do you think will be important for future graduates?
- The XXI century is the century of a very literate generation. I would like future graduates to be comprehensively literate.
What changes have you noticed or want to see in the Academy?
- It would be great if various Olympiads for schoolchildren were organized within the walls of the academy. Because it would give graduates more opportunities to enroll.
What changes would you make to the student life of the program or Academy?
- I like everything.
What hobbies or hobbies outside of work do you enjoy?
- Reading books on a topic that interests me.
Who in your group was a real friend or life partner for you?
Now we have very good relations with former graduates of the k-12 group who spent their student life together. We communicate on social networks, share experiences. If necessary, we give each other advice, talk about our achievements.

Do you have any successes that you can share with us today?
Today, my students take part in various readings throughout the region and take prizes. Since 2019, readings of the Nurin poet Burkit Iskakuly have been held annually at our school. I actively participate in these readings.
Although the meeting lasted a little over an hour, it made a great impression on the participants. Such moments prove that friendship is very important and the years of youth are remembered forever. After all, youth is the brightest and most important stage in every person’s life.