On March 14, 2022 the results of the essay contest “Speak your mind”, conducted by the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication, were summed up.

The jury was faced with a difficult choice. More than 80 essays were submitted; many of them were notable for their style, lexical diversity, argumentation and interesting ideas. After careful analysis, the winners were chosen. The following contestants receive diplomas and a 10% tuition discount at Bolashaq Academy for the first year:
- The winners are.
Diploma of 1 degree – Elyazyan Azat (Zhezkazgan, General School №22)
Diploma of 2 degrees – Sergey Kurbatov (village Dolinka, “General Education School №4”)
The 2nd degree diploma – Kuanysheva Yasmina (Zhezkazgan city, “Gymnasium №26”)
The 3rd degree diploma – Ms. Aruzhan Embergenova (Osakarovka village, Support School (Resource Center) № 1)
Diploma of the 3rd degree – Kamila Yerbosyn (Karaganda, “Secondary General Education School #10”)
The 3rd degree diploma – Radchenko Marianna (Zhezkazgan, GS №22).
Besides, jury of competition especially noted those participants whose works in one or another degree did not meet conditions of competition (for example, volume of words or coherence of the text), but nevertheless deserved special assessment. These participants also receive places in the contest and certificates with a 10% discount for their first year at Bolashaq Academy:
- Additional nominations are.
Nomination “Author’s position” – Orkhan Yasemin (Karaganda, “OSH #86”)
Composition structure of essay” – Khvan Tamara (Zhezkazgan, Gymnasium #26)
Denomination “Sentimentality of essay” – Daria Tarasova (Abai, Gymnasium School № 10)
Nomination “Master of English Word” – Aldiyar Yeginbay (Karaganda, M. Zhumabaev Gymnasium #39)
Nomination “Argumentation of own opinion” – Anna Gutkovskaya (Karaganda, “Gymnasium #9”) – Golynskaya Ilsiyar Rafailovna
Nomination “Originality and independency” – Baystanova Azhar (Yuzhny settlement, “General education school №9”)
Thus, the prizes of the competition:
Certificates for a discount on tuition fees
100% certificate – Eliazyan Azat.
A 50% certificate – Sergey Kurbatov.
Certificate for 50% – Kuanysheva Yasmina.
Certificate for 25% – Aruzhan Yembergenova
Certificate for 25% – Erbosyn Kamila
Certificate for 25% – Radchenko Marianna
Certificate for 10% – Orhan Yasemin
Certificate for 10% – Hvan Tamara
Certificate for 10% – Tarasova Daria
Certificate for 10% – Edinbay Aldiyar
Certificate for 10% – Anna Gutkovskaya
Certificate for 10% – Baystanova Azhar
We would like to thank scientific advisors of all participants, especially leaders of winners:
Tankibaeva Bakhyt Sabyrovna (Elyazyan Azat)
Nadezhda Dyadenko (Sergey Kurbatov)
Saira Kazygulovna Zhaksybaeva (Yasmina Kuanysheva)
Muratbek Nurgul (Aruzhan Embergenova)
Mukanova Nesibeldi Kakenovna (Erbosyn Kamila)
Gulia Abzhapparovna Azhibekova (Marianna Radchenko)
Anna Gennadyevna Baranova (Orhan Yasemin)
Yuliana Vasilyevna Andreeva (Hwang Tamara)
Angelina Vladimirovna Raikh (Daria Tarasova)
Dosymova Moldir Dosymkyzy (Eginbai Aldiyar)
Golynskaya Ilsiyar Rafailovna (Gutkovskaya Anna)
Sabitova Zarina Orynbayevna (Baystanova Azhar)
Grand presentation of diplomas and certificates will take place on March 17 at 15:00 in the main building of Bolashaq Academy at 16 Yerubaeva St., second floor, conference hall, Karaganda.

Personal presence of leaders and participants is obligatory.