On November 23, the International Scientific Conference “The problem of personification in the history of the Fatherland” was held at L. Gumilev ENU:research and new judgments”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the scientist, historian Tlegen Sadykovich Sadykov.

It was attended by a well-known scientist, Professor M. Khamzin, who, together with the author of the coat of arms J. Malibekov, Lieutenant General, Professor A. Tasbulatov, cut the ribbon of two books written by T. Sadykov. He made a compact report on the historian T. Sadykov, on the problems of modern education and science.

The conference was attended by foreign scientists in an online format. Domestic scientists B.Ayagan, Professor B. Abdigali, Professor S. Mukhametzhanova, Professor Z. participated. Dukenbayeva and representatives of other universities.