Participation of the Bolashaq Academy’s Department of Pedagogy in the Trainer Training seminar and the development of an international program

Alua Sabitovna Abdrakhmanova, Head of the Department, took part in the work of the CADAP preventive program development working group, which was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the assistance of the European Financial Community.

The seminar was conducted in Almaty by leading specialists from the Polish National Center for Prevention and Addiction Artur Malczewski Ph.D., Piotr Jabłonski Ph.D. The representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Medetbek Smagulov and the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abylaikhan Akerke also participated in the seminar.

Among the participants of the seminar were experts in the field of education and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of countries such as Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

The participants shared their experience of preventive measures for the prevention and elimination of addictions at all levels: school and higher education.

The following programs are discussed within the framework of these international seminars:

• Product 1: “Prevention program aimed at women and vulnerable groups, taking into account European best practices and international standards on this issue”

• Product 2: “An educational package aimed at reducing the stigma against drug users, aimed at public service providers, taking into account European best practices and international standards on this issue”

• Product 3: “Basic educational program for the prevention of drug use in schools, taking into account European best practices and international standards on this issue”

The ToT workshop for product 3, envisaged as part of the Result 3 Report on the systematization of trainer training, was conducted in a regional format.

The purpose of the seminar was to train trainers to implement a basic educational program for the prevention of drug use in schools with two products (programs).

At the seminar, participants presented the training methodology, including ToT, discussed the issues of program implementation, and learned how to conduct training on program implementation. Further promotion of this event is to conduct a pilot implementation of programs for the prevention of addictive behavior among students.

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