Participation of students in the International Student Forum “Brain Up-2020 Future Lider Summit”

On January 30, “Turan” University in Almaty hosted “Brain Up-2020 Future Lider Summit”, which was attended by about three hundred students from 23 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as students from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan.

The main theme of the summit was the UN sustainable development goals.

Members of student self-government took part in this event from “Bolashaq” Academy:

1.Zhanabayev Daniyar, student of group IN-16-1 – Prime Minister of Student Republic “Bolashaq”

2.Zhumatayev Erasyl, student of the group U-18-2 – Minister of Legal and Political Culture and Anti-Corruption, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Student Republic “Bolashak”

3. Akhmetova Dana, student of group IN-18-1 – Minister of Science and Academic Policy, Second Deputy Prime Minister of Student Republic “Bolashak”,

4.Kisina Zarema, student of the group F-18-1 – Presidential Commissioner for Student Protection Rights (Student Ombudsman) of the “Bolashak” Student Republic,

5.Mukhamedzhanov Adil, student of group IN-19-1 – Minister of Education of “Bolashak” Student Republic.

At the international summit of future leaders on “Sustainable Development Goals” during 3 days students shared their experience and vision of sustainable development and student self-government.

All participants received international certificates.

 The Future Leaders Summit is the largest interstate youth platform in Central Asia, organized in Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan by Turan University in Almaty. Kazakhstan, Global Shapers Community, New Vision, Central Asian Youth Union. International partners raise their awareness of global issues and promote a process that strengthens the effective participation of youth in the planning, implementation and evaluation.

The event included master classes from leading specialists and media personalities in various fields (business and economics, marketing, psychology, IT-industry):

  • Rustem Ermekbay – Founder CEO Holding Ayrin Group;
  • Askar Amanbayev – Manager of Newton Education Incubator, Almaty Marathon;
  • Nora Rozmut – brand strategy, author and presenter at in “You-brand”;
  • Zackhary Apel – business consultant in Almaty graduated from Arizona University;
  • Danil Ramin – master of sports in speed skating and athletics, founder of “Kenguru Kazakhstan” company on sports equipment;
  • Serik Yessmatov – Paralympian, winner of the “100 New faces of Kazakhstan” project;
  • Ablai Yusupov – CEO of Upgrade Group, marketing consulting;
  • Roman Margatsky – Candidate of Science (Ph.D.), host of the program “Capital Market” at Atameken Business Channel, certified coach;
  • Temirlan Berkimbaev – entrepreneur in tourism, business coach of the international organization Enactus;
  • Larion Liang – entrepreneur, founder of IC – Group holding.

There were also case championships, networking sessions and Teambuilding trips to the Tau-Turan health complex.

On February 2, at the closing of the event a concert of Jaryq creative association was held.

Bolashaq Academy students actively participated in all rounds of the forum and took second place in the author’s intellectual competition!

The forum participants express their great gratitude to Bolashaq Academy administration for the constant support of the students’ initiatives.

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