On January 29, 2021 A.U. Aupenova, Director of SIC “Rukhaniyat”, a member of the Scientific-Expert Group of the Karaganda region took part in the round table “Global Initiatives of Kazakhstan. Contribution to international security” which was held in the format of ZOOM with the participation of representatives of the Scientific-Expert Group of the APK, ethno-cultural associations, the youth movement “Zhangyru zholy”, university professors and students.
The speakers presented the analytical material, results of the carried out researches, methodical elaborations for carrying out of educational measures in the directions of the round table.
During the years of independence the Republic of Kazakhstan has strengthened its position on the international arena. Our state fully realizes the multi-vector, pragmatic and proactive foreign policy, makes a significant contribution to the formation and realization of the global and regional agenda in the sphere of security, cooperation and development. The evidence of Kazakhstan’s high international prestige in recent years was the presidency of the OSCE, the EurAsEC, the SCO, the OIC, the CSTO and the Turkic Council.

The most important was the decision of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to voluntarily renounce nuclear weapons. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan possessed a powerful nuclear heritage, and on August 29, 1991 a fateful decision was made to shut down the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, the fourth largest in the world. Since then, Kazakhstan has consistently promoted the destruction and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons in the world. Also, in 2014, Kazakhstan adopted a law “On Peacekeeping Activities. Today our state participates in a number of peacekeeping missions, and the Republic of Kazakhstan is recognized around the world as a peace-loving country.
The roundtable also discussed such topics as nuclear, environmental, and information security.