On May 27, 2021 the director of SRC “Rukhaniyat” A. Aupenova as a speaker took part in the scientific-practical conference “Repression and Famine in Kazakhstan: the tragedy of the people and lessons of history” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the establishment of Karlag, 90 years of mass starvation in Kazakhstan and the Day of Remembrance of victims of political repression and famine. The conference was held online by the State Enterprise “The museum of memory of victims of political repressions of the village Dolinka”.

The aim of the conference was to increase the interest of the modern society for the study of the role of repression in the camps of Kazakhstan, the perpetuation of the memory of the victims of political repressions and famine, the exchange of information on this topic with scientists and researchers.

Researchers from the Aktobe Regional Children’s Library named after N. Baiganin took part in the work of the conference. N. Bayganin, Karaganda Regional Universal Scientific Library n.a. N.Gogol. , the Museum-memorial complex of victims of political repressions and totalitarianism “ALZHIR”, State Enterprise “Historical and Cultural Center of the First President” Temirtau, etc.

At the conference a wide range of questions on the following directions was considered:
- the history of political repressions of 1930-1950 in Kazakhstan.
- Famine in Kazakhstan and its consequences.
- Karlag. Victims of political repression and their fates.
- Rehabilitation of victims of political repressions in Kazakhstan.
Director of SRC “Rukhaniyat” A.U. Aupenova