For two weeks, Bolashaq Academy has been running classes online.
Teachers and students are successfully mastering the technology, and teaching materials with them.
Participants and organizers of the academic process share their thoughts.

Taisia Vladimirovna Maryshkina, senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication:
“I remember an old Chinese proverb about life in an era of change. Changes in the XXI century are fast, and in March of this year teachers did not have time to be surprised by a barrage of innovations.

By the end of the second week of quarantine, it is safe to say that we, teachers and students alike, are successfully adapting to the changing environment. A titanic amount of technical and methodical work has been done in a short period of time: downloading training materials for online training of absolutely the entire contingent of university students, adapting this material for distance work, mastering new technologies, teaching faculty to use distance learning tools, as well as introductory and disciplinary work with students.

The stress experienced by all participants and organizers of the academic process is difficult to describe in words. However, I look at the situation from the positive side: the measures taken by the state to save our lives have not only limited us, but also became the impetus for development, search for new opportunities, use of alternative tools, and the impulse to quickly upgrade their skills. Practice is the best way to really learn something.

We were incredibly lucky that Bolashaq Academy already had a fully operational platform for full-time distance learning, which was tested in practice in the first semester. The constant market orientation and the desire to keep up with the times paid off.

Today, the speed of the Internet is a key issue for everyone in the country, and the absence of a headset to a PC or mobile phone is equivalent to no shoes in the season. As teachers, we try to do our job at its best, even if we do not see our students, and in the process of identifying the peculiarities of the application of pedagogical methods in distance learning. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but now we know for sure that anything is possible.”