On the 5th of February, 2021 was held a meeting of students’ scientific circle “Adilet” on the theme: “Problems of counteraction to domestic violence.
The meeting of the group was conducted by the candidate of law, Professor Kabzhanov A.T. and senior teacher Zhumzhumaev N.S.

Professor A.T. Kabzhanov, students S. Seilov, A. Mukhangalieva, D. Mustafina, E. Saken and N. Altai made reports at the meeting of the group.
The participants of the meeting of the study group discussed the actual problems of combating domestic violence, the application of the norms of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On prevention of domestic violence,” discussed controversial issues of the draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Combating Domestic Violence.

The meeting of the study group was held in a relaxed atmosphere. The participants were especially interested in the report of Professor A.T. Kabzhanov, made by the results of the scientific analysis of the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On counteraction to domestic violence.