On the 19th of November, 2021 there was a meeting of “Bolashaq” Academy Rector Kuralbay Nesipbekovich Menlibayev with the faculty of the Preschool Teaching and Upbringing Department. During the meeting, they discussed the training of students as well as the passage of practices, preparation for exams and other issues.
On each of the issues considered activities to improve these types of work were proposed. After discussing the report of the head of the department with his comments and recommendations made by the rector of the Academy Kuralbay Nesipbekovich noted that more attention should be paid to the work on vocational guidance among schoolchildren and college students to attract applicants. The rector also stressed that it is necessary to intensify work on the development of educational programs for two diploma education and the introduction of 3-language training. The teaching staff of the department should have advanced training in the read disciplines in the accredited universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. All comments and wishes of the rector will be taken into account in the future activities of the teaching staff of the Department.