Language is a bridge of friendship

Language is the key to friendship, the beginning of cooperation, blessing, honor and the soul of the nation. We are not mistaken if we say that language is not just a word, but a full-fledged truth that has passed a lot of criticism of life, developing in accordance with increasing demands.Language is not going to exist no matter what type of society exists, it arises and lives only where society itself exists. Therefore, there is no separate language outside of society. Language is a fruit of society. The tongue penetrates and forms in every person along with mother’s milk.

On September 5, the ”Til-dostyk kopiri“ event dedicated to the Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan was held at the Bolashaq Academy. On this day, not only the Day of Languages was celebrated, but also the birthday of Akhmet Baitursynov, one of the leaders of the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people at the beginning of the XX century, a statesman, the founder of Kazakh linguistics and literary studies, a reformer of national writing, an educator, a member of the Alash–Orda government.

Students of the In-21-1 group Ekaterina Shitova and Vladlen Tereshchenko performed at this event. Shari Kymbat, a student of the K-21-1 group, and Syzdyk Dilyara, a student of the Kr-21-1 group, made presentations prepared in connection with the Day of Languages and the work of Akhmet Baitursynov.At the end of the evening, quiz questions prepared by groups K, Kr-21-1 were asked, and the event ended in an interesting and informative way.

This meeting was organized by activists of the Jauhar circle, KDM, and student government. The event was attended by teachers, students of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication and the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature.

We thank all the viewers who took part in the event, as well as the organizers and presenters of the evening Kadrin Tlegen and Naumenko Polina!

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