On May 31, 2021 in the frameworks of the international project “Tarikhtan tagylym – otkenge tagzym” – “Memory in the name of the future” was held scientific and practical forum “Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: History and Memory” in the House of Friendship, Pavlodar.

The director of “Rukhaniyat” Academy “Bolashaq”, member of SEC Karaganda region APK, member of Working Group of State Commission on full rehabilitation of victims of political repressions A. U. Aupenova made two reports “Social transformation of prisoners through the camp press” and “History of the Great Patriotic War and the feat of multinational people”.

M. Azilkhanov, Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Akim of Pavlodar region A. Skakov, deputies of Majilis of the RK Parliament V. Nabiev, N. Dementieva, representatives of central state bodies, international organizations, figures of science and culture, experts, lecturers of the Institute of applied ethnopolitical research, members of ANK, Scientific-Expert Council, chairs, youth associations of the Assembly, descendants of the deported and repressed families took part in the work of the forum.

The purpose of the international forum – further strengthening of national unity and public consent, Kazakhstan patriotism and identity, civil and human values, association of state structures, the international and domestic scientific and expert community in preservation and continuity of historical memory in a society and transfer to young generation in context of development of historical consciousness and spiritual and moral education.

Objectives of the International Forum:
To show socially significant and scientific-applied projects, thematic directions, scientific and archival materials on the history of Soviet political repressions, famine of the 30s and deportation of ethnic groups in Kazakhstan in the twentieth century;
2) generalization of effective experience of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan on realization of the projects directed on preservation of historical memory.

The forum considered the actual issues related to the preservation of the memory of the victims of political repressions and famine of the 30th years of the XX century, deportation of ethnic groups in Kazakhstan, development of historical consciousness and historical memory in the context of strengthening of the all-civil Kazakhstani identity. The considered themes were widely covered and caused vigorous discussion of the participants. The Forum “Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: History and Memory” achieved its goal and objectives.
Director of SRC “Rukhaniyat” A.U. Aupenova.