Healthy lifestyle. Prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, pediculosis and fungal skin diseases.

The Bolashaq Academy Students’ House has a medical room equipped with the necessary equipment and medicines, where the Academy’s doctor, S.G. Kuur, conducts the reception of students living in the dormitory.

On September 13, 42 students of the Academy and college were examined. No cases of pediculosis, tuberculosis and fungal skin lesions have been identified. Residence permits have been issued in the hostel.

The doctor gave a lecture on the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. She reminded of the need to dress according to the weather conditions. I noticed that due to the lack of heating in the city, the rooms are cool, and many students are dressed lightly (T-shirts, shorts). She urged to stay in the hostel at the first signs of illness or apply for a filter at the Miras clinic. After returning from classes, it is necessary to wash your hands and treat the dez. It is the surface of the phone. In public transport or in contact with a sick person, wear a medical mask, so always have 3-4 masks with you.

The doctor urged to follow the rules of personal hygiene, work and rest regime, eat right, be sure to have breakfast.

She told me about monkey pox, the causes of its occurrence, the clinic and prevention of this disease. The doctor checked the sanitary condition of the students’ Home. The necessary repairs were carried out in the summer. The sanitary condition meets the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for educational facilities. New mattresses and bedding sets have been delivered

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