On the 25th of April the Council of Veterans of Bolashaq Academy met with the students of the Academy to discuss the Address of the Head of State K.K. Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “New Kazakhstan: the path of renewal and modernization.
The moderator of the event was Vice-rector for Education Affairs Ismailova R. N.

During the meeting Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor M. Khamzin informed the students that according to the main directions of the Address a complex work plan was developed in the Academy, which includes 10 main directions.
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor N. Elikbaev. E. dwelled on the tasks that each citizen of Kazakhstan, especially the student community to implement the main directions of the Message. The Chairman of Karaganda regional society of the Kazakh language and culture, associate professor Serimov E. E. shared his vision of development of the state language.

At the meeting the students asked and got answers to their questions. The moderator of the event Ismailova R. summed up the meeting and noted that in the future such important meetings will be held regularly. The meeting was very interesting and informative.