Dear users!

Please be informed that a redesign of the RMEB site has been made for efficient and convenient work of users with the digital library resources.

The main functions of the site (Search, Magazines, Videolectures, About Us, News, Statistics, Questions and Answers) have remained the same.

In the section “About us” / “RMEB participants” – links to official sites of RK universities were added.

Full access to the full-text resources of the digital library can be obtained directly in the libraries of the RK universities – RMEB participants and remotely in 2 ways:

1) Through the Personal Cabinet in open access mode.

Registration on the Site is open to students, faculty, employees of the RMEOB member universities who have corporate e-mail of the university. To register, the User shall fill in a form at the Website, create a Personal Cabinet – a workspace for the User (

2) Through registration in the social network “Vkontakte”, in the view and read mode.

The changes are also made on the page “Information Resources”. Links to free scientific and educational resources of open access are systematized by fields of science.

A new section “RMEB Publications” has been added, which contains multimedia publications issued by RMEB (content: text, video, tests, etc.). These are accessible only to RMEB participants.

There is also a mobile version of the updated site, and a Video Guide in Kazakh and Russian has been prepared, in the form of a video, on working with the site. Work is underway to create a mobile application of the site.

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