On November 7, 2019, Saken Seyfullin Theatre hosted a creative meeting of the young poet, editor of Bolashaq Mass Media Centre Erik Narynov (Erik Naryn).

Erik Narynov is the author of the collection of poems “Мor”, published this summer. His presentation was held at Saken Seyfullin Theatre with the support of Jas Otan youth wing.

The creative meeting was attended by: the poet, winner of the International literary prize “Alash”, member of the Union of writers of Kazakhstan Serik Аksunkar, poet Aitpay Zhumagulov, philanthropist Sapari Ipkeyev, poet, doctor of philological sciences Koilybay Asan, chairman of the youth wing “Jas Otan” Yerzhan Khamitov, representatives of the regional resource center and the regional club of poetry “Ulagat”.

The audience listened to the poems performed by the poet himself, as well as the members of the regional poetry club “Ulagat”.