Dear Bakhyt Moldatyayevich Nurgaliyev!
On the 7th of February, 2022, professor of the department of legal disciplines and leading research assistant of the SRC of legal and economic research of “Bolashaq” Academy, Bakhyt Moldatayevich Nurgaliev, will celebrate his 70th anniversary.

Bakhyt Moldatayayevich is a surprisingly kind, but peculiarly principled and disposing interlocutor, a great intellectual, modestly hiding his achievements, not flaunting his virtues. While what he has now would be enough for several biographies.
Bakhyt Moldayevich was born into a large family of a journalist and akin, WWII veteran Molday Nurgaliyev, who instilled in him his first creative skills and found the makings of an artist. The dream of becoming an artist was nevertheless realized as a hobby.
Immediately after serving in the army in Hungary, in 1972, he entered the Karaganda Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. After its graduation, Bakhyt Moldatayevich was sent to the village Osakarovka, where he began his career as an investigator. Already then the young specialist began to form such qualities as assiduity, assertiveness, desire to learn the truth, diligence.
Bakhyt Moldatayevich has a wealth of practical experience in the investigative units of the internal affairs bodies. In 1976 he graduated from the Karaganda Higher school of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, after graduating from which in 1976-1981 he worked in the internal affairs bodies, an investigator, a senior investigator of Osakarovsky police department of the Karaganda region, in 1981-82, deputy chief of the Shakhtinsk city police department on investigation. Then, in 1984 he entered the 1st faculty of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in Moscow. From 1984 worked in the Karaganda Higher school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, a teacher, senior lecturer, assistant professor, deputy head of the department, doctoral candidate, head of the department of criminalistics. From October, 1999 to 2009 – Deputy chief of the Karaganda Institute of Law of the MIA RK on scientific work. By the order of the director of VAK MES RK from February 10, 2000 he was appointed chairman of the Specialized Council for thesis defense at the Karaganda Law Institute MIA RK.
Professor B. M. Nurgaliev published over 200 scientific papers, many of which are devoted to the problems of combating corruption and organized crime. Published over 20 monographs, the first textbook on criminalistics in the Kazakh language in Kazakhstan (2008) Editor-in-Chief and author of textbooks on criminalistics (2010) and criminal procedure (2013).
On the initiative of Bakyt Moldatyaevich at the Karaganda Institute of Law named after B. Beisenov, the first dissertation council was established in 2000, which he led for nine years. Currently, he is a deputy chairman of the dissertation council ОД 14.20.07 on thesis defense for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Under his supervision 5 PhD in Law and 29 PhD in Jurisprudence were prepared.
Today, in the year of his anniversary, BakhytMoldatyayevich continues to teach students – bachelors, masters, doctoral students. He also writes books and articles, conducts research and helps young scholars. He is a professor at the Department of Legal Disciplines of the Bolashaq Academy, also a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Academy of Natural Sciences of Kazakhstan, the editorial board of two journals included in the KKSOiN MOiN RK in Kazakhstan (Themis) and at the E.A. Buketov KarGU. Buketov – (Vestnik-Pravo), editorial boards of two VAK journals in Russian Federation – in St. Petersburg State University and in Moscow (Criminalist), Journal of Legal Sciences in Kharkov (Ukraine), attestation commission at the Department of Justice of Karaganda region, Expert Council in CCSOiN MOS RK on specialty “Law”, International Congress of Criminalists.
He is the author of more than 15 scientific papers in non-zero factor journals, included in the Scopus and Thompson Reuters databases.
Under the responsive leadership of BakhytMoldatyaevich already when he was working in the academy “Bolashaq” the staff of the chair and SIC Academy successfully conducted a number of grant studies financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He is the author and head of the grant research project of the MES RK on the theme: “Crime and criminality: criminological and economic-legal aspects of the price” (2013-2015 gg). Also earlier in 2000 during his work at Karaganda Law Institute of the MIA RK a grant project on the theme: “Criminal law and criminological problems of combating corruption and economic crimes” was carried out under his leadership with funding in 2000 – 2004).
The citation index on is more than 30 works.
Hirsch index – 3 on scientific base eLIBRARY – RINC.
Awarded the medal in connection with the 10th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Jubilee medal “10 years Kazakhstan Constitution”, the medal “Astana”.
He was repeatedly awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Internal Affairs, twice awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Akim of the Karaganda region (2002, 2018).
For many years of excellent service in the internal affairs bodies, a great contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists for the law enforcement agencies of the country, high achievements in research activities B.M. Nurgaliev was awarded the breastplate “Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs”.
Your vast practical experience, outstanding character and creative approach to solving the challenges facing you have allowed you for several years to work successfully in responsible positions.
Your responsive and conscientious attitude to work, multiplied by high efficiency, have earned you the reputation of a scholar with a capital letter. Your personal qualities such as responsiveness, sincere warmth, and together with demanding and principled approach in solving problems and assigned tasks have earned you the respect of authority and all the Academy staff, your colleagues and all those who happened to work and communicate with you.
On this remarkable Jubilee, we wish you good health, happiness, mutual understanding, the warmth of the family hearth! New scientific and creative achievements!
Let success accompany every day of your life and let your soul remain young for long – many years!
Way to go, dear Bahyt Moldavayevich! May the source of your energy and vitality never dry up!
Regards! Rector of “Bolashaq” Academy K.N. Menlibayev