Annual tournament on the game ” Togyz kumalak”

On September 9, 2024, a tournament on the Kazakh national game togyz kumalak was held at the Bolashaq Academy from 10:00 to 12:00. It was conducted in order to develop logical thinking, strategic and tactical skills, as well as the ability to correctly calculate moves in the mind to achieve victory.

A little bit about history: one of the oldest Kazakh national games is the game “Togyz kumalak”. This is a board game on a blackboard aimed at developing logical and mathematical thinking, as well as endurance. The game belongs to the mancala family, which includes games such as vari or kalah. The basis of the game is the number 9 (9×9 = 81 and 2x9x9 = 162), which was considered sacred by the ancient Mongols and Turks.

In the scientific world, it was called the “shepherd algebra”, since during the game the opponents use all four basic mathematical actions. The game is based not only on the speed of counting, but also on tactics.

The main task of the game is to transfer the pebbles into the game holes, collect as much as possible into your “cauldron”. The collected pebbles are put into a storage well. The players take turns making moves. The player who got the right of the first move by lot takes out all the balls from any hole in his row, except one, and transfers them from left to right, dropping one into each subsequent hole, so that the last ball hits the opponent’s hole. If the number of balls in this hole turns out to be even after the end of the turn, then all of them are “prey” of the player and are transferred to his cauldron.

The right of the next move passes to the opponent. If there is not a single ball left in the holes of one of the players, then his opponent transfers all the balls of his row to his cauldron. The game continues until one of the players collects more than 81 pebbles in his cauldron (this player wins) or both players collect 81 pebbles each (draw).

The most athletic students of our academy took part in the tournament. During the game, all participants showed perseverance and deep interest. There were no winners or losers, because there are no losers in sports — everyone wins!

Love sports at any time of the year! Sport means youthfulness of the body and health of the spirit!


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