A visit to a veteran

On October 29, A.F. Khairullina, director of the mass media center, and Madina Sapargalieva, a student of the P&P-18-1 group, visited Raiko Vladimir Izrailevich, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War.

Vladimir Izrailevich welcomed his guests with a smile and jokes. He told about his youth with pleasure.

In this meeting our veteran told about the formation of the Karaganda coal basin, about people who contribute to the development of the region.

On the wall of the room there is a self-portrait of Vladimir Izrailevich. “I painted it with a pencil when Riga was liberated in 1944,” recalls the veteran. This drawing survived. Later it was digitized.

In January of this year Vladimir Izrailevich turned 95, he is optimistic, reads Taras Shevchenko by heart, reads books, newspapers, he is aware of all events in the world. He is waiting for the latest issues of the student newspaper “LiMoNaD” from the Academy “Bolashaq” with pleasure.

Vladimir Izrailevich Raiko is not only a living history. He is an example of diligence and sensitivity, respect and responsiveness.

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