A score of 75 is the passing threshold for admission to doctoral programs on a grant basis. For admission on a fee basis, the threshold score is 50 points. About it today in a live broadcast on the official page of MES RK in Instagram told the director of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education MES RK Adlet Toibaev.
He specified that this year, acceptance of the applications for a doctoral degree will begin on July 3 and will last till August 3. Entrance examinations for admission will be held from August 4 to August 20. It should be noted that for admission to doctoral studies you can choose only one institution of higher education and one group of educational programs.
“Applications for admission to doctoral studies are accepted through the admission commissions of higher education institutions. In the future applications will be registered in the information system of the National Testing Center. The applicants will take entrance examinations in the regional testing centers. Those applying to universities subordinated to the MKS and the MH will take entrance examinations on the basis of universities,” said Adlet Toibaev, director of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the MES.
The schedule of entrance examinations is formed by NTC in the context of the regions. Therefore, programs and the schedule of entrance exams will be brought to the attention of applicants before the entrance exam.