“Herald of the Kazakh Humanities and Legal Innovation University”, Semey

Dear colleagues!
 International Journal “Herald of the Kazakh Humanities and Law University of Innovation” Semey Republic of Kazakhstan is interested in the development of international science, supports interesting projects and invites you to publish in № 2 (42) in 2019.
Since 2016, the editorial and publishing activities of KazSGUI have given a new impetus to it becoming an international journal. The number is given in the international center in Paris ²SSN 2519-2388. Number of the state primary registration No 6840-Zh., 27.01.2006.
The journal is included in the RINC database (License Agreement No. 445-11/2017).
The International Journal collects articles for the 3rd issue of Vestnik 2019 until October 1, 2019 in the following areas:
Legal sciences
Economic sciences
Pedagogical sciences
Philological sciences
Philosophical sciences
Historical sciences
Engineering sciences
Natural Sciences
Articles are accepted in 3 languages: official language, Russian and English.
Requirements for the design of the article in the International Journal “Herald of the Kazakh Humanitarian and Legal Innovative University”.
For publication, material previously not published by the author(s), corresponding to the profile of the journal/journal series in Russian, Kazakh or English is accepted.
The following materials should be submitted to the Editorial Board by e-mail: the manuscript of the article in electronic format: in Word editor (with extension *.rtf or *.doc) and in pdf format with the author(s) signature on the last page.
To the manuscripts of master’s students, post-graduate students, doctoral candidates and applicants additionally submit an extract from the minutes of the department meeting. After acceptance of the article for publication, a scanned receipt of payment for publication in pdf format by e-mail is submitted.
All documents can be submitted in hard copy as well, and the article can be submitted on electronic media, by mail or directly to the responsible editor.
The author of the article should submit 1 external review for his manuscript.
At all stages of work with manuscripts and in order to communicate with the authors, the editors use e-mail.
Article design rules
Submissions for publication should meet the following requirements: The text of the article must be capacious and accurate, ranging from 5-7 typewritten pages, printed in Word for Windows 2000, font Times New Roman, 14 pt (annotation and list of used literature – 12 pt). Interval 1.0; margins – top 2 cm, bottom 2 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm. The article should contain information about the author: UDC, surname, first name, patronymic, postal, home and/or office address, place of work, position and telephone numbers. Below the list of literature on the left, the name of the scientific institution where the work was carried out and the city should be indicated.
The articles are published in Kazakh, Russian and English languages. At the beginning of the article it is necessary to place an abstract (the abstract should contain 100-150 words), keywords (7-15 words) (12 pt) in Kazakh, Russian and English and at the end of the text of the article the title of the article, surname, name, patronymic of the author, place of work and position should be placed also in 3 languages. The list of used literature (12 pt) is compiled as the reference appears at the end of the article, indicating the author’s surname and initials, full title of the book (article), place of publication (city, name of the editors), year, number of pages, in the journal – year, issue, page. In the text, the reference to the source used is in square brackets. References to private messages, reports, dissertations and other unpublished materials are not allowed.


UDC 346(0.072)     

Bablanov Tleuberdy Kadesovich

Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in Economics, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana.

email: bablanov_tk@enu.ru


Since 1st January of 2016, Entrepreneurship Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan has replaced Law “On competition” of the Republic of Kazakhstan and has become the main anti-monopolistic normative legal act of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The approaches to identification of dominants underwent major changes, particularly the Registry of dominants was abolished. Thus, until 1 January of 2017 only those companies that were in the Registry of Dominants could be accepted as dominants. The companies recognized to be dominants on their market by the Anti-monopolistic authority were allowed to lead their own practice in accordance with anti-monopolistic legislation, which, in its turn, set some obligations and limitations.

Regarding anti-competitive, the application of bans also changed. The novelty includes for making vertical anti-competitive agreements.

Given article will include conceptual novelties in anti-monopolistic governance of Kazakhstan that are implemented in accordance with the Entrepreneurship Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 2016-2017.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship Code, economic competitiveness, anti-monopolistic authority, dominants, tradable boundaries of market, risks, compliance.

The approaches to defining dominants have undergone fundamental changes, in particular the maintenance of the Register of Dominants has been abolished. Thus, until January 1, 2017, only those companies that were members of the Register of Dominants could be recognized as dominants. Inclusion in the Register allowed companies recognized as dominant on their market by the Antimonopoly Authority to bring their practice in line with the requirements of the antimonopoly legislation, which established a number of obligations and restrictions with respect to such companies [1, p.174].

The rules on application of prohibitions in respect of anticompetitive agreements have been amended, in particular, the criterion of admissibility of concluding vertical anticompetitive agreements has been introduced [1, p. 169].

A similar situation may arise with respect to commodity boundaries of the market as regards establishment of interchangeability of a certain commodity with others in the course of consumption. The company may occupy a dominant position in the market of an individual product, but taking into account the sales volume of the interchangeable product its share of dominance may be below the established thresholds.

Bablanov Tleuberdy Kadesovich

Position: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor of the department of “Economics and entrepreneurship”, L.N. Gumilyov ENU

Mailing address: 010008, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Khadzhimukhan St. 5.

Mob.phone: +7 701 786 09 59

Some innovations in antitrust regulation of Kazakhstan

The organizational fee is – 4500 tenge. For faculty KazSGUIA – 4000 tenge.

Details for payment within the Republic of Kazakhstan of intra-bank payments between clients of JSC “Eurasian Bank”:

Receiver’s bank: Management No. 1 Semey city

BIN of the beneficiary bank: 041041000966


Beneficiary: Office No. 1 Family

Settlement account: KZ809480010A02445280

Kbe 19

Purpose of payment: publication of the article

Card number: 5269940004148468

Editor’s name: Malik Dulatovich Karazhanov IIN: 820819300073

Details for payment within the Republic of Kazakhstan of interbank payments, which are not clients of JSC “Eurasian Bank”:

Receiver’s bank: Management №1 Semey

BIN of the beneficiary bank: 041041000966


Beneficiary: Malik Dulatovich Karazhanov IIN: 820819300073

IBAN personal account: KZ47948KZT42606001GT

Kbe 19

Purpose of payment: publication of the article

Requisites for payment in the Republic of Kazakhstan “Kaspibank”

Card number: 5169493167170144

Beneficiary: Malik Dulatovich Karazhanov IIN: 820819300073

Purpose of payment: publication of the article

Cost of publication and payment methods for participants from CIS countries:

For participants from CIS countries the publication cost is – 22 USD or 1400 rubles.

The electronic version is available at: http://www.kazguiu.kz/ru/main-rus/about-university-2/nauka/vestnik-kazguiu-2/arhiv-nomerov/.

Payment for participants from CIS and non-CIS countries is made as follows: Participants from the CIS countries are advised to use the payment system “Zolotaya Korona”, “Western Union”. Payment should be made in the name of: Malik Dulatovich Karazhanov, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan.


Articles are available at the address of Semey, 11 Lenin street, 17, tel. 8 (7222) 360363, hundred tel. 87755386017, 87077484972 or e-mail vestnikkazgyuiu@mail.ru with paid scanned check.

Deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine: Malik Dulatovich Karazhanov Dr. PhD by right tel. 8 (7222) 360363, hundred tel. 87755386017, 87077484972.

Issuing editor: Toleubayeva Ainur Koshkinbaevna – 87757462042, 87087559233.           

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