Kalizhanova Anna Nikolayevna
Director of Center of Advanced Training, Bolashaq Academy
Education: higher
1) E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, specialty: Mathematics and Computer Studies
2) Karaganda “Bolashak” University, academic programme ‘Foreign language: two foreign languages’
3) Bashkir State University, 44.04.01 “Modern Scientific Paradigms and Innovative Technologies in Philology”
1) Best Young Scientist 2017 Bolashaq Academy
2) Scientific management of research and development of students of Foreign Languages department with prizes at international and national conferences with full-time and part-time participation
3) Author of 2 monographs
4) Developer of more than 10 online courses
5) Author of 2 manuals
6) Developer of more than 10 educational and methodical complexes
7) Non-zero impact factor articles (Scopus, Erich Plus, RSCI)
8) Articles in CCES journals
9) Author and speaker of more than 20 republican seminars for teachers of secondary general education schools
(10) Organizer of 1 national and 3 provincial competitions for students of secondary general education schools
11) Winner of international and national contests and conferences
12) Executor of the grant project financed by CS of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan