On December 6, 2019, in Nur-Sultan a forum “Formation of anti-corruption culture in the society” organized by the Republican Public Association “National movement against corruption”Zhanaru” took place. The forum raised issues related to improving the level of legal literacy of the population, citizens’ trust in government bodies, etc. The forum […]
From October 21 to November 09, under academic mobility professor of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after A. Yassawi, candidate of pedagogical sciences Daniyarov Talgat Abubakirovich held a series of lectures on “The content of education in the university and the development of teaching technology” for the 3rd year students […]
As part of compulsory disciplines, classes are held in English at Bolashaq Academy. The video shows a practical lesson in the discipline “Information and communication technologies” in the group of IN-19-2. Students independently prepare reports on the given topics and then present them in English. The class is led by […]
Again we met on December 4, at a meeting of the psychological club “Personality Plus”, the theme of which was “Human in search of meaning” (adolescence and youth period as the foundation of the life horizon of the individual). Opening the club’s session, our alumni Anna Kazybekova and Taisia Babayeva […]
The National Testing Center accepts applications for submission of UNT for admission to universities on a paid basis from December 1 to December 15, 2019. Testing will be held from 15 to 20 January 2020. Details on the website of the National Center for Testing.
On December 6, 2019, at 15.00 we invite everyone to take part in the round table “Gender and Health” at the following address: 16 Erubaev Street, Karaganda, Bolashaq Academy, auditorium 401. ROUND TABLE PROGRAMME 1. Introductory word and brief report on the topicality of the topic of the round table […]
On November 21-22, 2019, our students Nikita Turkenich, Yu-18-1, Arman Merdenov Yu-18-2 and Kisina Zarema F-18-1 took part in the national competition among leaders of the youth anti-extremist movement “????????? ??????? ??TREMISM”! The scientific supervisor of the students is Botagoz Telmanovna Akhmetova, Vice-Rector for Social-Educational Work of “Bolashaq” Academy, Master […]
From November 26 to 28, the I Republican Student Meeting and XVI convocation of the heads of the Committee on Youth Affairs of educational institutions within the framework of the project “Development of Youth Self-Government” took place, in which active students of the “Bolashaq” Academy took part. Spartakiads and workshops, […]
On November 19-21, during the Kazakh Language Week, students of the Kazakh Language and Literature Department of the “Bolashaq” Academy together with the Karaganda Innovation Lyceum (KTL) held a literary and informative open lesson “Daulpaz akin-Kasym”. The open lesson was organized by R.N. Ismailova, Associate Professor of Kazakh Language and […]
Implementation of the national program “Rukhani Zhangyru”, the Law “On languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan” takes an important place in the work of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication. The activity in this direction has an informal character. This academic year it is given a new impetus […]
November 21, 2019, our students Zhanabayev Daniyar IN-16-1 and Zhumataev Erassyl Yu-18-2 took part in the All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Modern approaches to combating corruption: trends and prospects” at the Plekhanov Russian Economic University (REE) in Moscow with the report “Student self-governance as a new tool to combat […]
On November 29, an open curatorial hour was held for students of pedagogical majors within the framework of the program “Rukhani Zhangyru” on the theme “Bilimnin Saltanat kuruy”. The curatorial hour was held under the supervision of Bakaramova Symbat Amangeldiyevna. The event was also attended by teachers of pre-school and […]
November 28, 2019, in the Academy “Bolashaq”, Department of Kazakh language and literature was organized and held a national scientific-practical conference “Dauylpaz akyn tagylymy” dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Saken Seyfullin. The given action was reflected in responses of participants of conference with words of gratitude.
“First President’s Day is a good holiday. But it should be celebrated as a new milestone in the history of Kazakhstan’s development – the transition to presidential rule, the benefits from which the people receive today. Our industry, successful state, authority of Kazakhstan – all this thanks to the presidential […]
November 28-30, 2019, in the regional project office for the implementation of the program “Rukhani Zhangyru” held a seminar on “Innovative tools to assess the performance of strategic subjects of the Karaganda region. Vice rector for scientific work and international cooperation of “Bolashaq” Academy T.P. Smolkina, director of “Rukhaniyat” took […]