Council of Young Scientists
The results of the booktrailers competition held as part of the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru” in the direction of “New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in Kazakh language.” The competition was organized by the Council of Young Scientists, the youth association “1%” and Rukhaniyat Research Center. Aims and objectives of […]
Dear conference participants! On April 24, 2020, Bolashaq Academy is planning to hold International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education in the Modern World” dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai. According to the article 1.1 of the Decision of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan […]
The competition of student and master’s scientific works was held with the purpose of developing students’ and master’s students’ skills of research work and search creativity, attracting students and master’s students to research activities, implementing social orders on the development of Kazakhstan’s society and its educational sphere on the basis […]
FEEDBACK OF THE REPUBLICAN CONFERENCE “YOUTH AND GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF OUR TIME” STUDENTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL FACULTY OF THE NON-PROFIT JOINT-STOCK COMPANY “MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF KARAGANDA”: Vivek Naruka (group 2009), Narpat Solanki (group 2009), Avinash Falsval (group 2009), Ayushi Kulshreshta (group 2001) On February 28, 2019, Bolashaq Academy organized […]
Section: Legal heritage of Kazakh thinkers (Abu Nasir al-Farabi, Abai Kunanbayev and others) and challenges of the modern world. 1st place-271 points-10000 kzt. Nikita Turkenich, Yu-18-1, Family courts in the justice system. K.K. Sadykova, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Disciplines 2nd place-249 points-5000 kzt. Mukhangaliyeva Aruzhan, Yu-18-2, Legal […]
At the final session, students with the best and most interesting reports were awarded certificates of honor. Section 1. LEGAL HERITAGE of KAZAKH THINKERS (ABU NASIR AL-FARABI, ABAY KUNANBAYEV and OTHERS) and CHALLENGES of the MODERN WORLD. 1st place – E.A. Khabarov, Bolashaq Academy, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan, Research supervisor: […]