On January 27, 2021 at 12.00, an online meeting on the prevention of religious extremism and terrorism will be held with students of the “Bolashaq” Academy within the state program on countering religious extremism and terrorism. Connect to the Zoom conference:https://us04web.zoom.us/j/9013055310?pwd=TlRSL0MrWnluNXlRenk3eUZqRGFvQT09 Conference ID: 901 305 5310Access code: 8FFe2a
On December 25, 2020 a video lecture on extremism, terrorism was held online at Zoom platform for students of Karaganda city. The event was organised by the Karaganda Regional Police Department. The speakers were: Aibek Tursynuly, theologian, consultant of Department of religious affairs of Karaganda region; Insebayev Daulet Bakhtybayevich, captain […]
On November 20, 2020, the teachers of the Department of Legal Disciplines, headed by the head of Kabzhanov A.T., together with the professor of the Department of General Legal Disciplines of the Karaganda Economic University (KazPotrebsoyuz), represented by Professor Balgimbekov Dauren Ukubayevich, took part in the work of the Round […]
The spread in Kazakhstan of extremism (first of all, Islamic extremism) and its radical form of aggravation – terrorism – was one of the main threats to the country’s national security. The most vulnerable environment for the penetration of extremist ideas, including Islamic ones, are school, college and university students […]
Terrorism is the method by which an organized group or party seeks to achieve its stated goals primarily through systematic use of violence. The notions of “terrorism” and “terrorist” emerged in the late 18th century. A series of the largest terrorist attacks in human history occurred 19 years ago, on […]
Vice Rector of the Academy “Bolashaq” Akhmetova Botagoz Telmanovna took a seminar online course Online course “Training and retraining of members of advocacy groups on religion”. The given course is directed on preparation and retraining of groups on an explanation of religious currents, for explanations of questions of counteraction to […]
On June 22, 2020 on platform ZOOM the seminar “Training and retraining of members of advocacy groups on religion” has passed on questions of counteraction to religious extremism and terrorism, political extremism. The structure of Information and explanatory group includes the Vice rector of the Academy “Bolashaq” Akhmetova Botagoz Telmanovna […]
On December 6, 2019 the Department of Internal Policy of Karaganda City and the public organization “Nurly bilim” held a training seminar to improve religious and legal literacy. The participants of the seminar were B.B. Akhmetova, Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work, and the Director of “Rukhaniyat” Aupenova A.U. and […]
On November 21-22, 2019, our students Nikita Turkenich, Yu-18-1, Arman Merdenov Yu-18-2 and Kisina Zarema F-18-1 took part in the national competition among leaders of the youth anti-extremist movement “????????? ??????? ??TREMISM”! The scientific supervisor of the students is Botagoz Telmanovna Akhmetova, Vice-Rector for Social-Educational Work of “Bolashaq” Academy, Master […]
On October 18, 2019 in Abakan of the Republic of Khakassia the II All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation “National policy in the sphere of prevention and counteraction to extremism and terrorism as a condition of ensuring the unity of the Russian nation and harmonization of interethnic and ethno-confessional relations” […]
On October 11, 2019, a lecture was held with first-year students on the topic: “Countering destructive currents”, the speaker of which was B.T. Akhmetova, Vice-Rector for Education Affairs. The lecture considered the following key positions: “Young people are a target for destructive propaganda”, “Religious extremism and terrorism”, “Internet is not […]
On October 7 the Academy “Bolashaq” organized and held a lecture “Religion and spiritual culture” for students with participation of representatives of the State Institution “Karaganda Internal Policy Department” and “Karaganda Youth Resource Center”. This lecture was held in order to implement the State program on combating religious extremism and […]