In October 2024, in Almaty, at the National Pedagogical University named after Abai, the Department of Kazakh Literature and Teaching Methods named after Academician S. Kirabaev, held an international online teleconference “USH BAYTEREK: TAGDYR MEN TAGYLYM”, dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of Saken Seifullin, Ilyas Zhansugurov, Beimbet […]
Monthly archives: November 2024
On November 7, activists of the Student Government of the KDM Academy “Bolashaq” took part in a team building training held within the framework of the “Kind Qaragandy jastary” project of the Karaganda Youth Resource Center. This event, organized with the support of the Department of Internal Policy of the […]
The tradition of holding open classes by teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication in order to share experiences with each other continues. The first such lesson in the autumn semester was held in the IN-22-1,2 group on the discipline “Professionally oriented second foreign language (level B1)”. […]
On November 1, 2024, the repressed A. A. Dyusekeeva presented student assets of all educational programs of the Academy “Bolashaq with the project “unforgettable soul”, implemented by the internal policy of the Karaganda region, which is aimed at improving the lives of people, the political repression of the 1930s did […]
On October 31, the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Barimbek Beisenov hosted a regional subject quiz among cadets and students of higher educational institutions on the topic “Alash Murasy: kukyk zholyndagi izasharlar”. The quiz was conducted in order to increase […]
A.U. Ilyasova, Master of Law, Senior lecturer at the Department of General Education of the Bolashaq Academy, took part in a 3-day training course on training ethnomediators and professional negotiators “Basic foundations of ethnomediation and negotiation process in the settlement of interethnic conflicts” (October 29-31, 2024) as part of the […]
31.10.2024. Professor M.I. Abduov and students of the K-21-1 group held a round table on the topic: “The School of poetry of I. Zhansugurov”, dedicated to the 130th anniversary of I. Zhansugurov. We know I. Zhansugurov as a national figure, a wonderful poet. It is known that every personality has […]
Under the scientific guidance of the Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of “Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication” Mombekova Meruert Maratovna, participants of the scientific club “Young Researcher” from among students and undergraduates of the OP “Foreign language: two foreign languages” took part in the LXXXVIII International […]
As part of the implementation of academic mobility between higher educational institutions on the basis of the agreement “On mutual cooperation in the provision of educational services”, senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy Evgeniya Alekseeva gave a series of lectures on the discipline “Inclusive Education” in an online format […]
On October 1, among students of the 3rd-4th courses of the specialty” finance “(groups F-21-1, F-22 – 2), the curator of the group P. N. Buzaubaeva held a curatorial hour dedicated to the day of the elderly” elderly-family Treasury”. The elderly are the treasures of the family and society. They […]
October marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Kazakh poet, writer and statesman Saken (Saduakas) Seifullin. His life was full of events, struggles and achievements, and his work left an indelible mark on the history of Kazakh culture and literature. Saken (Sadvakas) Seifullin (October 15, 1894— February […]
He was born on October 28, 1934 in the city of Engels, Saratov region of the RSFSR. German. His father was Karl Fedorovich (1909-2002). Mother – Anna Davydovna (1910-1994).He graduated from the literary faculty of the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai (1958), a teacher of Russian language and literature; […]
⚜On October 30, 2024, the fourth training seminar on the topic “Psychological support for inclusive volunteering” was held in the youth resource center of the Karaganda region within the framework of the Offline Day project. ✅The event was organized within the framework of the state social order for the support […]