In October 2024, in Almaty, at the National Pedagogical University named after Abai, the Department of Kazakh Literature and Teaching Methods named after Academician S. Kirabaev, held an international online teleconference “USH BAYTEREK: TAGDYR MEN TAGYLYM”, dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of Saken Seifullin, Ilyas Zhansugurov, Beimbet […]
Daily archives: 07.11.2024
3 posts
On November 7, activists of the Student Government of the KDM Academy “Bolashaq” took part in a team building training held within the framework of the “Kind Qaragandy jastary” project of the Karaganda Youth Resource Center. This event, organized with the support of the Department of Internal Policy of the […]
The tradition of holding open classes by teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication in order to share experiences with each other continues. The first such lesson in the autumn semester was held in the IN-22-1,2 group on the discipline “Professionally oriented second foreign language (level B1)”. […]