On January, 20-21th, 2022 at the Moscow State Law University named after O.E.Kutafin (MSAL) the XIX International scientific and practical conference “Criminal law: strategy of development in the XXI-st century” takes place. In its work students of department of jurisprudence of Academy “Bolashaq” take part. Daniyar Zhanabayev and Arman Meredenov […]
Daily archives: 25.01.2022
2 posts
On January 25, 2022 the administration of the university rewarded teachers and staff of the Academy, who made a significant contribution to enrollment of universities in 2021-2022. Cash prizes were awarded 7 people: Abdrahmanov R.H., Zhapanova R.N., Kosmanova A.B., Nurtaeva D.B., Temireeva K.S., Tuganbaeva S.T., Tukubaeva G.N. . The staff […]