We invite you and your students, graduate students, doctoral candidates to take part as a listener, a lecturer, a speaker in the work of the ХXIII International interuniversity students research and practice conference “THE CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION” (online) (online mode), dedicated to topical issues of communication […]
Daily archives: 29.11.2021
One of the indicators of the quality of higher education is the competitiveness of the student, his competence in various fields of science, which are manifested by participation in competitions at various levels. Students of the Academy “Bolashaq” took part in the annual competition of student socially significant innovative projects […]
В соответствии с требованиями Государственного общеобязательного стандарта According to the requirements of the State obligatory standard of postgraduate education approved by the Order of the MES RK № 604 from 31.10.2018y.(with amendments and additions from May 05, 2020 №182 and the academic calendar for 2021-2022 academic year provided passage of […]
November 26, 2021 the head of the department of legal disciplines Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybulatovich on the invitation of the regional scientific-methodical center “Saryarka Daryny” took part in the regional stage, as chairman of the jury in the section “Human and society. The event was held on the platform ZOOM in […]