The successful solution to the issue of employment of university graduates is continuously linked to their acquiring practical work skills during their studies. Therefore, the combination of theoretical training with practical training is a prerequisite for improving the quality of specialists’ training. Pre-diploma practice of students is the final part […]
Yearly archives: 2020
I would like to express my gratitude to the Bolashaq Academy for the opportunity to participate in an online meeting with the inspector of the Ministry of Railway Affairs of the Karaganda Region, Police Captain E.B. Imendeev, which took place on 20 November 2020. Speaker made a presentation on the […]
On November 20, 2020, the teachers of the Department of Legal Disciplines, headed by the head of Kabzhanov A.T., together with the professor of the Department of General Legal Disciplines of the Karaganda Economic University (KazPotrebsoyuz), represented by Professor Balgimbekov Dauren Ukubayevich, took part in the work of the Round […]
On 23 November 2020, the online platform ZOOM will host a debate tournament on the theme “Interaction of foreign languages and native speech”. The tournament will be attended by students of the Academy “Bolashaq” of the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication and students of the Department of Bashkir […]
On 20 November 2020, a meeting was held online on the ZOOM platform with student youth and the inspector of the Ministry of Railway Affairs of the Karaganda Region, Police Captain Imendinov Erasyl Boranbaevich. The theme of the meeting was “Prevention of delinquencies and crimes in young people’s environment. On […]
On 20 November 2020, the Bolashaq Academy DOT Centre held an online meeting with university professors on the Moodle educational platform. S.O. Smagulov, System Administrator of the DOT Centre, held a training seminar on the introduction of control tests for subjects and the possibility of controlling correct answers in the […]
A new special project “Dastur men guryp” is being implemented as part of the Rukhani Zhangyru programme. In an era of globalisation, when information and different cultures are intertwined and the boundary between them is blurred, traditions and customs that strengthen the national code and spirituality must be revived. The […]
On November 20, 2020, a webinar on the Microsoft Teams platform was held in an online format on the topic “Start-up: where and when to take money? At this webinar, students presented and defended their business plans in various areas of entrepreneurship. The moderator was the Vice-Rector Akhmetova B.T. The […]
On 19 November 2020, the annual traditional intellectual game “What? Where? When?” was held at the Nur Otan PDP building in Karaganda, attended by school and university students of the city. The game was attended by 5 student teams. The game consisted of 3 rounds, in each of which players […]
On November 11, 2020, on the Zoom platform, the senior lecturer of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines, Master of Chemical Sciences Isina Zhannur Amirgalievna, together with the students of the FM-19-2 group, took part in the Republic University named after S. Seifullin. 2020 жылдың 11 қарашасында Zoom платформасында фармацевтикалық пәндер […]
The student of chair of the Kazakh language and the literature of group DK-20-1k Zharkeyeva Guldana Adilbekovna is awarded by the Gratitude letter for the contribution to protection of a historical and cultural heritage (archaeological monuments) and propagation among the population in this direction. Congratulations to Guldana Adilbekovna!
Dear friends!We invite you to take part in the competition for the best campaigning material to combat coronavirus. Media Holding “Saryarqa aqparat” together with representatives of the leading mass media of the Karaganda Region with the support of JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau” announces a competition for the best campaign material to […]
On November 17, 2020, the results were summed up and the winners of the qualifying round of the National Student Online Festival of Arts “Abai Alemi”, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, were summed up and awarded online at the Bolashaq Academy. All […]
The 3rd year doctoral student of the Department of Legal Disciplines of the Academy “Bolashaq” Siubaeva Nursulu Zhenisovna took an active part in the project “Second International Book Edition”. In the category “Best Young Scientists – 2020” among scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States Nursulu Zhenisovna […]