Oleg Shcherbakov was born on October 17, 1925 in the family of teachers in Odessa, Ukrainian SSR. He is a Ukrainian.In 1941, Oleg Shcherbakov was evacuated to the city of Balkhash, where he continued his studies at the school named after S. Pushkin. In 1941 Oleg Shcherbakov evacuated to the […]
Monthly archives: May 2020
Dear friends!The electronic version of the next issue of the student newspaper “LiMoNaD” is available on our website.COVID-19 flash has changed our usual way of life.In order to prevent infection the whole world had to go to isolation. But that was no reason to mope.The coronavirus outbreak has separated many […]
On May 6, 2020, an on-line meeting on the Zoom platform was held, organized by the Department of Education of the Karaganda Region, attended by B.T. Akhmetova, Vice-Rector of “Bolashaq” Academy, and A.K. Kaldybayeva, Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee. Main issues of the meeting: organization of assistance to children […]
On May 6, 2020, at 12.00 a meeting was held with the Rector of the Academy, Professor Menlibayev K.N., online students of full-time and full-time distance learning. The administration of the university expresses its gratitude to the students for their active participation in the conversation, prepared questions on the organization […]
Rector of “Bolashaq” Academy, Professor Menlibayev K.N., met with active student youth of our university in the online mode. The administration of the Republic of Bolashaq consisting of the President, Prime Minister, Ministers contacted the first leaders to discuss current issues. At the meeting were sounded the issues of distance […]
Our students do not sit idly by under quarantine. Participants of the youth association “1%” and members of the readers’ club named after Batista of the Academy “Bolashaq” together with the regional library named after N.V. Gogol conducted a live broadcast in the social network Instagram within the project “Blind […]
During the period from April 29 to May 5, 2020, the department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication carried out the final state attestation of correspondence students of the educational program 6B01702 – “Foreign language: two foreign languages”: comprehensive examinations in the main and second foreign languages and protection of […]
Wonderful words of gratitude to the Rector of the Academy “Bolashaq” Professor Menlibayev K.N. come daily from graduates of the Kazakh language and literature department. Dear Rector of Bolashaq Academy Kuralbay Nesipbekovich and teachers of the Kazakh language and literature educational program, including the curator of our group Raikhan Nalzhigitovna! […]
The group of researchers of PU of the Academy “Bolashaq” is happy to announce that the results of the research within the grant project of Indigenous Peoples of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on “Creation of trilingual dictionary of biological terms with lingvo-cultural component” […]
Dear students! On May 6 at 12.00 there will be an on-line meeting of the Rector of “Bolashaq” Academy Professor Menlibayev K.N. with the students of full-time distance learning (part-time). We invite you to join us and ask questions. Connect to Zoom conferencehttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/73725851190?pwd=MTVCK2FpNW43MGNxQmpRWGgzeGRjUT09 Conference identifier: 737 2585 1190Password: Bolashak
Vera Zakharovna Khoruzhaya was born on September 27, 1903 in Bobruisk, Belarus. Byelorussia. From 1924 to 1932, he was the secretary of the underground CC of the CSM of Western Belarus and a member of the CC of the CSM of Poland. Since 1941 – one of the leaders of […]
Fyodor Ulyanin was born in 1915 in Boltunovka village (now Ulyanino) of Khvalynsky district of Saratov province. In 1935 Fedor Ulyanin together with his parents moved to Karaganda. Together with his father and brother, Vasily worked at mine No. 17 named after Kalinin. He was called up to RKK in […]
Bolashaq Academy continues to provide a food basket for its staff. Colleagues sincerely thank the university management for their care and assistance. The Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication expresses its great gratitude to the management and trade union organization of the Academy for holding a wonderful action for […]
May 5, 2020 is celebrated by a remarkable person – rear workers, a veteran of pedagogical work Alexandra Flegontovna Mironova. Today she turned 101! Bolashaq Academy does not forget about its veterans and congratulated Alexander Flegonontovna by phone. Quarantine is the only way to express your gratitude to a dear […]