Dear students and faculty! As part of the current state of emergency in connection with the proliferation of the coronovirus, additions have been made to the Academic Policy of the Academy “Bolashaq”. The organization of the educational process of full-time students who have been transferred to the remote mode in […]
Daily archives: 06.04.2020
Under quarantine conditions, it is very important to stay home, thus protecting yourself and your loved ones from possible infection. Students of the Kazakh Language and Literature Department, members of the Ulagat Literature Club support the Challenge #Bizuidemiz #bizbirgemiz #mydoma #Myvmeste. Join in, send your videos, post them to your […]
The Department of Kazakh Language and Literature of the Academy “Boshashaq” continues its work in training students in the online mode and encourages everyone to stay home in quarantine conditions, supporting the action #Bizuidemiz, #bizbirgemiz. Since the second half of March, we have switched to the distance learning format in […]
The teaching staff of the department “Pre-school and Primary Education” continues its work in the mode of distance learning. For today Internet systems work without interruption, possibility of access to all electronic resources of university is provided. Auditorium sessions on all levels of education in the Academy “Bolashaq” are carried […]
From April 7, the quarantine regime in Karaganda region will be strengthened.Head of the Department of Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of Karaganda Region Kanat Askarov informed the residents of the region about the strengthening of quarantine regime in the region. – In connection with the expansion […]