Dear teachers and staff of Bolashaq Academy!We kindly ask you to read the Rules on distance and mixed form of work of Bolashaq Academy staff during the coronoviral pandemic.
Daily archives: 30.03.2020
For two weeks, Bolashaq Academy has been running classes online. Teachers and students are successfully mastering the technology, and teaching materials with them. Participants and organizers of the academic process share their thoughts. Taisia Vladimirovna Maryshkina, senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication: “I remember an […]
Covid-19 is spreading all over the world. In three months, the infection has spread to all parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North and South America. The virus has been detected in more than 170 countries and new countries are added to the list almost daily. Quarantine has […]
The results of the booktrailers competition held as part of the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru” in the direction of “New Humanitarian Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in Kazakh language.” The competition was organized by the Council of Young Scientists, the youth association “1%” and Rukhaniyat Research Center. Aims and objectives of […]
Bolashaq Academy supports the quarantine initiative in our area Dear citizens of Karaganda region, the main task depends on us now – not to allow the spread of a dangerous virus! Bolashaq Academy calls on everyone to refrain from travelling, going out on the street. At this difficult time for […]