“Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University” NC JSC (hereinafter – KazATU) invites to participate in the International Scientific and Theoretical Conference “SEIFULLIN READINGS – 16: Youth science of a new formation – the future of Kazakhstan”, which will be held on April 24, 2020 (the conference provides only absentee participation). Traditionally […]
Daily archives: 21.02.2020
The National Office of Erasmus+ program in Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan) together with the University of International Business (Almaty) held a webinar “Scientific-oriented education in higher education” on 21.02.2020 from 11:00 to 12:30, which was attended by teachers from all universities of our country, including teachers of our Academy: 1. Ahmetova Botagoz […]
On 31st March 2020, JSC «International Information Technology University» holds the 1st International student scientific and practical conference “Youth digital forum YDF-2020”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the University. The purpose of the conference is to develop the research potential of the young generation of citizens of the Republic […]
Yessenov University invites you to take part in the international scientific-practical conference “Abai Heritage and National Spirituality Issues” dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the Great Kazakh poet and enlightener Abay Kunanbayuly held as part of the “Ruhani Zhangyru Program” for the Modernization of Public Consciousness. Date: April 24, 2020 […]
Dear colleagues! We invite You to take part in the international scientific and practical conference «People’s mental health as a conditionfor stable development of the state», which will be held on9-10 April, 2020 in Kostanay ( Kazakhstan). Organizers: – SI “Center of mental health of the Health Authority of […]
On February 20, within the walls of Bolashaq Academy, the Committee on Youth Affairs held a meeting of teachers and students with the Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with Kazakh famous person Omirkul Ainiyazov. The guest of honor of the project “Meeting with a famous person” […]