On October 18, 2019 the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Kazakhstan Saidikram Parkhatovich Niyazhodzhaev visited the Bolashaq Academy. This is the first visit of the Ambassador to Bolashaq. Saidikram Parkhatovich met with students of the academy, answered their questions in a friendly […]
Daily archives: 18.10.2019
October 15, 2019, under a joint agreement between the Academy “Bolashaq” and the regional library named after Gogol and in accordance with the plan of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines “Rukhani Zhangyru” 2019-2020, second year students, groups of Fm 18-1,2 visited Gogol universal regional library, which held an Open Day. […]
On October 16, in the House of students of the Academy “Bolashaq” took place the meeting of the Student Leadership of the Student Republic “Bolashaq”. The conversation was productive and held in friendly atmosphere. The result of the meeting was the approval of the member of the “Bolashaq” Government S.N. […]
On October 16, the Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region within the limits of propaganda of healthy lifestyle in Sapiyev Boxing Center, the tournament “Crossing Cup of Youth Resource Center of Karaganda region” was held on mini-football. Teams of Karaganda Region Youth Resource Center, Karaganda City Youth Resource Center, Creative […]