October 2, 2019 on the pages of the national newspaper “Egemen Kazakhstan” published an article by Aidana Shotbaikyzy “How the number of high institutions will be shortened?”, which refers to the speech of the President of the country K.Zh.Tokayev and his order to reduce the number of universities in Kazakhstan. […]
Daily archives: 07.10.2019
October 4, 2019 in the Academy “Bolashaq” was held a discussion platform in the direction of “Competitiveness” of the state program “Ruhani Zhangyru” on the theme “CREDIBILITY OF PEDAGOGUE PROFESSION: GENERAL PREPARATION”. The event was attended by specialists in the field of education, representatives of the party “Nur Otan” and […]
On November 28-29, 2019 at “Miras” University the Republican Student Science Conference “Student Science 2019” will be held. The aim of the conference is to develop creative activity among schoolchildren, students, undergraduates and young scientists, involving them in solving urgent problems of modern science, as well as to promote educational […]
October 4, was organized a meeting of the Student Parliament of the Academy “Bolashaq” with the Chairman of the youth wing “Jas Otan” in Karaganda region Yerzhan Bolatuly Khamitov. The meeting was fruitful and was held in friendly atmosphere. The Ministers of the Student Republic asked questions and made a […]
On October 4, 2019, the final round of the Republican contest of young poets “Duniege keler ali talai Kassym” was held in Karaganda Economic University, organized by the Department of the Language Development Center of Karaganda region. Eric Narynov, editor of the Center for Media Development, took 3rd place in […]
On September 26, students of the Bolashaq Academy together with members of the Student Club of Humanities Pedagogy visited an orphanage in Karaganda. Our students in the person of Kim Vladislav, who is the Minister of intellectual and spiritual development of the Student Parliament, Aitzhanova Dilnaz, students of the group […]