Отзывы участников из Индии о РНПК «Молодежь и глобальные проблемы современности»

On February 28, 2019, the Bolashak-Bolashaq Academy organized the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Undergraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists (with international participation) “Youth and Global Problems of the Present”.

We are glad that we took part in this conference in the section “Forming an Active Citizenship of Students in Modern Multicultural Conditions”, where we made a presentation “«Life sense and active attitude to life».

We had very pleasant impressions about the organization of this conference; the atmosphere was hospitable and friendly. We were greeted as dear guests. The organizers of the conference and the leadership of the Academy speak English very well, so we did not encounter a language barrier.

At 09:00, the registration of conference delegates began. Before the plenary session, we met Mr. Rector Menlibaev Kuralbay Nesipbekovich, Ph.D., professor, academician of the International Economic Academy of Eurasia, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan. Mr. Rector came up to us and greeted us, and took a lot of memorable photos with us.

At 10:00 a plenary session began, where we listened to the reports of the conference participants. We are pleased to announce that this conference gave us knowledge on many interesting topics, such as: Coronavirus: prevention; Hippocratic Oath: Myths and Reality; Organization of the peer-review student process on the Trello platform; The influence of the ancient Greek language on the language of medicine; Historical heritage of Al-Farabi; Study of the motivation for achieving success among students; The use of gadgets in the educational process. We especially liked the Deema Homsi talk “Cross-cultural differences in the English classroom”. Her report contained information on the difference between culture and education in Kazakhstan and the United States.

At 14:00 our section “Formation of an active civic position of students in modern multicultural conditions” began, where we made a presentation “Life sense and active attitude to life”. Scientific advisers: – c. Biol. sciences, associate professor. Nuriya Mansurovna Kharissova1, c. ped., sciences, professor Liliya Mansurovna Smirnova2

We have revealed this topic well, talked about the life sense and active life position. We also told how the concept of the meaning of life and an active life position is interpreted in the culture of India. The information we presented about THE RAMAYANA interested the audience.

“Rama (soul) means the light within me. Sita (mind), [breath or life force (prana) Hanuman], Laxman (awareness), Ravana (ego). Kausalya means “skill.” Dasaratha means “Ten Chariots.” Ten chariots symbolize the five senses and five organs of action. A skilled rider on ten chariots can give birth to Rama (soul). When ten chariots are skillfully used, radiance is born within. ”

“According to our opinion, the purpose of our life is to improve it and get joy from it. We need to love life, otherwise life is not life.

To be happy means to be healthy, because if a person is sick and physically weak, he cannot fully realize himself.

To experience happiness, you just need to live by your own principles and have spiritual health – this is completely normal and natural. Roles and goals change, but principles remain. Everyone can and should develop and improve in order to constantly maintain a state of happiness.

An active approach to life is the essence of an active life position. Personalities with   its diversity of the inner world realize their active life position in different ways.

One tries to solve global problems, the other cares about the well-being of his own country, the third seeks to help the people who surround him. It is necessary that an active life position is harmoniously combined with rationality, a desire to help others and a sense of proportion. From here we can draw a simple conclusion. A person should direct his activities for the benefit of society, and not for the satisfaction of his own interests».

Listeners were asked questions and we were given comprehensive answers to all questions. We worked hard to prepare our speech at the conference and we are a little sad because we got II place at the conference, since we expected to get I place, but we will achieve all that we want.

It was the first experience of our public speaking, and we acquired the skills of oratory: to speak beautifully and convincingly, to answer questions, communicate with the audience, worked out a style of speech …

So, we want to thank the Bolashak Academy and Ms. Nuriya Mam for giving us such an opportunity, and thanks again to Ms. Nuriya Mam, who chose us and motivated us, and, in our opinion, that we did it all the merit belongs Nuriya Mam.

Vivek Naruka (group 2009), Narpat Solanki (group 2009), Avinash Falsval (group 2009), Ayusha Kulshreshta (group 2001) are students of the international medical faculty of the Non-commercial joint-stock company «KARAGANDA MEDICAL UNIVERSITY», Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

1NCJS MUK, Non-commercial joint-stock company «KARAGANDA MEDICAL UNIVERSITY», Karaganda, Kazakhstan

2Kostroma State University named after Nekrasov, Kostroma, Russia.