“Rukhaniyat” Science and Research center is engaged in the implementation of scientific, educational and outreach activities of the university to achieve the goals set by President Nazarbayev in the program article “Look into the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness.
The Research Center “Rukhaniyat” (hereinafter – SRCR) is a scientific subdivision of PI “Bolashak Academy” (hereinafter – the Academy).
In its activity RDC is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, program article of the Head of state N.A.Nazarbayev “Look into the future: modernization of public consciousness”, normative – legal acts of ministries and departments, recommendations of project office “Ruhani Zhangyru”, the Academy Charter, orders and instructions of the Academy, decisions of the Academic Council of the Academy, this Statute and other local normative acts.
The Director of SICR is in charge of all directions of SICR activities, discussing the main issues at the meetings of SICR.
The Director of SICR organizes the following activities:
– development, coordination and approval of annual plans of SRCR and perspective projects of scientific activities of the Academy’s teaching staff and students;
– development of proposals on the scientific activity of the Academy in the plans of the main events, international cooperation and editorial-publishing activity of the Academy for a year and in prospect;
– cooperation with the State archive of the Karaganda region, the Karaganda Regional Historical and Local Museum, the Karaganda Regional Museum of Fine Art, regional libraries and other cultural institutions;
– generalization of proposals of the Academy departments in the priority directions of SRC activities;
– development of reports on fulfillment of annual plans of scientific activity;
– preparation and carrying out of academic forums, scientific-practical conferences, seminars, round tables, local history lectures of different levels;
– developing proposals and submitting applications for participation of the Academy in external forums, scientific-practical conferences, seminars and exhibitions;
– rendering methodical assistance to the Academy structural subdivisions in organization and conduction of scientific activity;
– control over scientific work of the Academy structural divisions,
– organization and carrying out of open competitions for the best scientific work among the students and scientific-pedagogical staff of the Academy as well as presentation of the works at the regional, regional, republican and international competitions
– organization of applications for grants for scientific works;
– Maintaining the records management according to the nomenclature of cases;
– preparation and placement of information on the activities of SRC on the website of the Academy; – publication of materials in the direction of “Rukhani Zhangyru” in printed publications and information portals, in particular in the monthly student newspaper “Limonad”.

Director, Rukhaniyat Research Center, Master of Legal Sciences
Contact information:
Address: 16 Erubayev Street, room 336, Karaganda, 100012 Kazakhstan,
Phone: 42-04-25 (int. 017);
E-mail: aliya.aupenova@mail.ru
Working hours: Mon-Fri 08:30-17:30, lunch 13:14:00.
1. University degree (1996-2000) Buketov Karaganda State University, History Department, specialty “World History”, Qualification: Historian. Teacher of History and Socio-political disciplines;
2. Distance higher education (2007 – 2009) Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, academic programme 050510 “State and Local Government”, Bachelor of State and Local Government;
3) Master’s Degree (2016-2018) Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization of Higher Education “University at the Interparliamentary Assembly of EurAsEC” (Russia, Saint-Petersburg) Master’s Degree in Jurisprudence (40.04.01), Master’s Degree in Law;
Employment history
Total experience of scientific and pedagogical work for more than 20 years, including 2 years at the Academy “Bolashaq”. Since 1999, she has been working in the school system. Since 2005, she has been working in the technical and vocational education system. The highest category of the highest level qualification of history and social sciences teacher was awarded (2015). Since September 2018, she is Director of the Rukhaniyat Research Center and Senior Lecturer in the Department of General Education.
Scientific interests relate to the study of historical and cultural heritage as the spiritual basis of social harmony and national unity. Currently a member of the scientific and expert group of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of Karaganda region and the Regional Tourist Club, historian and local historian, participant in
the project “Carlag: memory for the future, one of the compilers of the collection of “Karlag Press” (2017).
Science and Methodology works.
About 110 scientific and scientific-methodical works were published in international and republican editions, collections of scientific works.
The most significant publications:
1. Continuity as one of the factors of the spiritual development of Kazakhstan // The Third Congress of Historians of Kazakhstan: a collection of scientific articles / Under the general editorship of E.B. Sydykov. – Astana: L.N. Gumilyov ENU Publishing House, 2015 – 504 p. – – 67-71;
2. Some aspects of the formation of the legal system of the Kazakh khanate (XVI-XVII centuries) // Vestnik Abay KazNPU, series “Historical and socio-political sciences” – 2015. – – No. 4(47). – – pages 51-54. ISSN 1728-5461;
3. Influence of integration processes in the Eurasian space on the emerging tourism industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Modern economic problems in the field of finance, accounting, management and tourism: Proceedings of the International Scientific-Act. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2016. – – 688 p. – – p. 46-51. ISBN 978 – 601 -301 – 677 – 1;
The Assembly of People of Kazakhstan – a kind of institution in the system of people’s representation // Public administration and public policy in the field of interethnic relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan: development of management technologies and civic participation in strengthening public consent: materials of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan (20 November 2015) – Astana: Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015. – – 358 p. – – p. 128-137. ISBN 978-601-287-184-5;
5. “…Sounds like a Kazakh string…” // Germans of Kazakhstan: a bridge between Astana and Berlin. Mat. intern. scientific. – ed. conf. (Astana, 5-7 October 2015). – Almaty: Vozrozhdenie, 2015. – – 560 p. – – p. 216-225. ISBN 978-601-7439-02-6;
6. Participation of the contingent of Karstroy NKVD of the USSR in the construction of the Karaganda coal mine No. 4 (March 1943 – March 1944) // Germans of Kazakhstan and Siberia: history and current problems of development: materials of the International Scientific Conference – Moscow: Heritage Institute, 2017. – – 198 p. – – p. 30-36. ISBN 978-5-86443-262-6;
7. In each word you can hear the story // “Olzhas Suleimenov’s work and the issues of national consciousness”: materials of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Kazakh poet and public figure Olzhas Omarovich Suleimenov. May 5-6, 2016. – Almaty: Kazakh University, 2016. – – 306 p. – – p. 70-75. ISBN 978-601-04-1946-9;
8. Spiritual and moral aspects of the formation of a multicultural personality // “Innovation in education: search and solutions”, int. III Intern. scientific-practice conf. (Astana, 26-27 May, 2016). – Astana. Volume 2. – – 364 p. – – p. 189-191. ISBN 978-601-7353-17-9;
9. About some aspects of history of creation of monuments to Batyrs of Kazakh steppe // Collection of international scientific-practical conference
“Batyrs of the Great Steppe.” – Astana, 2018. – – 262 p. – – p. 216-219. ISBN 978-9965-23-457-6;
10. The Scale of Some Problems of Civil Population Evacuation to Kazakhstan in the Early Years of the Great Patriotic War // History. Memory. People: Materials of the IX International Scientific-Practical Conference. 27 September 2018, Almaty. – Almaty, 2019. – – 594 p. p. 143 – 151 (co-authored). ISBN 978-601-7333-24-9
11. Preservation and popularization of artistic heritage within the framework of the state program “Rukhani Zhangyru” // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference “Science and education in the modern world”. – Karagandy: Bolashak-Baspa, 2019. – 401 p. – Volume 3. – Pages 161-165 (co-authored). ISBN 978-601-273-379-2
12. Application of vectors of innovative strategies in the teaching of disciplines of the humanitarian cycle // Actual problems of our time: International scientific journal. No. 3(21) – 2018. – Karaganda: “Bolashak-Baspa”, 2018. – – 194 p. – – 160-164. ISSN 2312-4784
Advanced training and internships:
1. Courses of the CPC of the Bolashak Academy “Digital technologies of student-centered education in higher education”. (Karaganda, Kazakhstan, 21.01.19-25.01.19, 72 hours);
2. Courses of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Public Consent and Unity of Kazakhstan: Legal and Social Mechanisms of Implementation of Public Policy” (Karaganda, Kazakhstan, 05.06.19-07.06.19, 24 hours).
Incentives and gratitude:
2019 – Letter of Gratitude from “Museum of Memory of Victims of Political Repressions in the village of Dolinka” State Enterprise for the support and active participation in the scientific and practical conference “Truth of History: Events and Fates” dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression and Famine.
2018 – Letter of thanks from the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan for high service to the humanistic ideals of goodness, spiritual harmony and inter-ethnic unity.
2017 – Diploma for active participation in the development of sports tourism in Karaganda region.
2016 – Laureate of the competition “Together on the Great Silk Road” held by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Kazakhstan and awarded the medal “Together on the Great Silk Road”.
2014 – I place in the competition “Best Publication about Gogolevka” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the N.V. Gogol UUNB.