Bolashak-Baspa Editorial and Publishing Department

On the publishing activities of publishing department “BOLASHAQ-BASPA”

at the “BOLASHAQ” Academy

         In 1997, according to the Charter of the Institute by order of the rector of the Karaganda Institute of Education “Bolashak” an editorial and publishing department was opened at the Institute. The editorial and publishing department was named “Bolashak-Baspa”.

The publishing house is the leading production of the Academy of “BOLASHAQ,” provides the educational process of all the necessary educational, educational-methodical and blank products.

The publishing house in its work is guided by the following regulatory documents:

– The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

– The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”;

– The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On copyright and related rights

– Orders and orders of the rector;

– Other normative documents;

According to the law “On copyright and related rights” duplication of published and foreign literature, use of outdated literary sources and static data, outdated normative acts is not allowed.

Guidelines for the technical design of manuscripts are made on the basis of the requirements of current GOST for publishing products.

The main direction of the publishing house is the publication of monographs, textbooks, standards of organizations, methodological works on social, technical and humanities sciences.

Main tasks

The main objectives of the publishing house are:

Produce the necessary editions of textbooks and teaching aids, Manuals on disciplines included in the curricula of the current year or subsequent years, corresponding to the new approved programs.

To demand from the authors of monographs, textbooks, standards of organizations, methodical recommendations a clear composition of the statement.

Providing all departments of the academy with necessary polygraphic products.

Formation and preservation of the documents’ stock on traditional and electronic carriers, according to the Academy profile.

Interrelation of the publishing house activity with Scientific Council, library, accounting department, head of department and other institutions of higher education.

Quality control of printed, book and blank products.


– Assisting authors in the literary processing of the text of manuscripts published on the thematic plan, their proofreading, artistic and technical design.

– Editing and proofreading a manuscript at the author’s expense if the author’s manuscript text edits exceed normative tolerances.

– As a paid service to the author, the publishing house may perform literary processing of the text of the manuscript, correction and artistic and technical design, advice on improving the content of the text, etc. according to the agreement of the parties.

– Monitor compliance with the requirements of current regulatory documents in the preparation of publications for printing.

Today, mini-types are nothing new, but the printing house we’re talking about has a lot of advantages.

Firstly, the volume of work, the material and technical base is on a par with the big well-known printing houses.

Secondly, the editorial department is equipped with modern equipment thanks to high volume financial sources. The Academy did not stop there and continues to equip with newer equipment.

Thirdly, the quality of products produced by the editorial office is very high, and production time is fast.

Fourthly, the editorial staff is trying to publish such editions, which are necessary for the educational process and further development of the Academy.

Bolashak-Baspa” plays big and important role in the Academy life, as it provides University library with different literature, (training and methodical complexes, monographs, training and methodical aids, methodical instructions, etc.) which are authored by University staff.

Once a quarter we publish the International Scientific Journal “Actual problems of modernity”, which publishes articles of famous scientific figures, teachers not only of Kazakhstan but also other countries (Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, etc.).

Types of production, volume of production increase from year to year, now not only educational editions, but also historical-ethnographic researches, local lore editions are published.

“Bolashak-Baspa” actively participates in various events held at the Academy “Bolashaq”. These include: international and republican scientific and practical conferences, round tables. 

At the same time, the publishing department works closely with the Scientific Innovation Center of the Academy, the Research Center “Rukhaniyat”, the Humanitarian Pedagogical Center, the Center for Continuing Education, the Committee for Youth Affairs, the library, etc. Takes an active part in the activities of these centers and provides timely assistance in the production of printed products: certificates, diplomas, letters of thanks, booklets and programs, magazines and collections.

Activities of the editorial-publishing department of Bolashak-Baspa

 During the period from 1997 to 2020 the following was issued:

monographs 12677 copies;

textbooks 14,465 copies;

Training and methodical manuals 39812 copies;

Manuals, diaries, programs, tests, journals 107991 copies;

International Scientific Journal “Actual problems of our time” 7304 copies;

abstracts 3628 copies;

Collected works 29860 copies;

Fiction 34924 copies;

blank products 296433 copies.

Dynamics of issued editions in RIO “Bolashak-Baspa”

 Number of itemsVolume, printing pagesCirculation

Nurzhigitova Maral Mukhsinkyzy

Position: Head of “Bolashak-Baspa” Editorial and Publishing Department, Editor-in-Chief.

Education: University degree – Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Economist.


In 2007, an article by Kadyr Zhumashev, a journalist from Karaganda, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Bolashak-Baspa Editorial and Publishing Department of Karaganda Bolashak Institute was published in ‘Learning Kazakh language’ magazine.

Letters of Gratitude from N. Dulatbekov, Rector, Bolashak University, for active participation in the International Research Conference “Science and Education in the Modern World” in 2010, 2011 and 2012;

Letters of Gratitude from N. Dulatbekov, Rector, Bolashak University, for active participation in the Republican Research and Practice Conferences “Problems of Youth and the Modern World” in 2010, 2011, 2012;

Certificate in 2012 for participation in research and practice trainings at Bolashak University by Gamze Keskin Elseber BV Cusomer Development Manager Turkey, Iran, Middle East and CIS.

Certificate of Merit for active participation in the International Research Conference “Science and Education in the Modern World” from K.N. Menlibayev, Rector, “Bolashak” Academy.

Letter of Gratitude from S.O. Kyrykbaev, Deputy Mayor of Karaganda Region for active participation in the Republican Research and Practice Conference “Kasym Amanzholov and His Idea of Independence” in 2014;

Certificate of Sh. Kalanov, President of the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance of Astana, for participation in the seminar “Preparation of a Self-assessment Report by a Higher Educational Institution Under Institutional and Specialized Accreditation” in 2014;

Winner in the category “Best Employee” according to the contest results held in 2015 at “Bolashak” Academy;

Certificate for participation in the seminar “Higher School Pedagogy” from Rector, Karaganda “Bolashak” Academy in 2016;

Certificate of Merit from N. Aubakirov, Mayor of Karaganda for contribution to the social and economic development of the city in 2016;

In 2016, the Honorary Diploma of N. Abdibekov, Mayor of Karaganda region, for active participation, labor and creative contribution to the social and political life of the region;

In 2018, the Certificate for active participation in the International Research and Practice Conference “Spirituality and Morality as the Basis of Education and Culture” from V.O. Voschininin, Chairman of the Board of the Public Association “World through Spirituality” and K.N. Menlibayev, Rector of “Bolashak” Academy.

Professional activity in the academy:

February 2005 – Head of Bolashak-Baspa EPD, Editor-in-Chief.


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