Accounting Department performs accounting and control over the rational use of material and financial resources of the Academy.
Main tasks:
1 Control over the execution of the budget of the Academy.
2 Ensuring the formation of complete and reliable information about economic processes and financial results of the Academy activity, which is necessary for operational management and administration.
3 Drawing up financial and tax reports.
4 Provision of timely representation of the accounting data in tax and statistical bodies, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5 Preparation of operative reports on receipt and an expenditure of Academy financial resources.
6 Provision together with other divisions of Academy of correct and effective use of labor and money resources of Academy.
7 Assistance in organization and accounting of receipt and spending of means got from rendering of educational and other services according to the Charter of higher school.

Abisheva Tatiana Yurievna
Position: Chief Accountant
Education: higher
Achievements: Certificate of Professional Accountant of the RK, Member of the Chamber of Accountants of the Republic of Kazakhstan, accountant-practitioner of ATS.
Contacts: Abaya 17, office 207, tel. 56-10-31, e-mail: