Republican scientific and practical conference “YOUTH AND GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF OUR TIME”.

On February 24, 2023, students of the educational programs of the Bolashaq Academy took part in the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference (with international participation) “YOUTH AND GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF OUR TIME”.

At the Bolashaq Academy, the competition of student and master’s scientific papers is held annually in order to develop students’ skills in research work and search creativity, to attract students and undergraduates to research activities.

The subject of scientific papers submitted for the competition was related to the current problems of modern science and the development of Kazakhstan society, devoted primarily to the formation and development of education, solving the problems of education, upbringing and development of the younger generation.

The results of the competition of research works of students, undergraduates “Bolashaq Academy”-2023 were announced at the Plenary session of the conference.

The results of the expert commission on the directions of educational programs showed the following results:

  1. Nazarova D. – student of the PiP group-19-1 -1 place (scientific supervisor, PhD, Associate Professor Nikiforova)
  2. K. Perepechkina – student of the PiP group-19-1 -2 place (supervisor PhD, associate professor Nikiforova O.V.)
  3. Kuanyshbai Meruert – student of PiP group-19-2 -2 place (supervisor senior lecturer Shutenova S.S. )
  4. Aimukhanova Assel – student of dPiMNO-20-2c – 3rd place (supervisor senior lecturer Sarbasova K.A.)
  5. Tusupbaeva Zhanna – student of the group DD-20-8k – 3rd place (supervisor senior lecturer Zhanysbaeva R.M.)
  6. Hartman Zinaida – student of the Yu group-21-1 – 3 place (supervisor Candidate of Law, associate professor Sadykova K.K. )
  7. Aubakirova Nurdana – student of the group Dd-21-2c – nomination “Relevance” (supervisor Ph.D., associate Professor Shaltaeva R.Zh.) Students who won prizes at the competition of scientific papers were awarded with diplomas and cash prizes, and scientific supervisors were awarded with letters of thanks.

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