Payment for loyalty

Today, the award ceremony was held for teachers and staff who have worked at our Academy for 7 to 27 years.

According to the Regulations, 83 members of our team received an award for their dedication to our university.

Teachers and staff who have worked for more than 17 years are particularly noted by the Academy administration:

No. Full name and work experience
1 Isabekova Aliya Kezhebekovna 27
2 Tailak Aliya Elzhaskyzy 26
3 Sadykova Kokesh Karigulovna 25
4 Shashchanova Maira Balievna 24
5 Ismailova Raykhan Nalzhigitovna 23
6 Begakhmetova Balzhan Kairgeldyevna 21
7 Nikiforova Olga Vladimirovna 20
8 Usuvalieva Zaira Kazygulovna 19
9 Rysmagambetova Gulnara Musievna 19
10 Kosmanova Assel Beisengazykyzy 19
11 Kabzhanov Akylbek Taybulatovich 18
12 Nurtayeva Dinara Bogenbayevna 18
13 Khamzin Mauen Khamzievich 17
14 Boldysh Svetlana Kamashevna 17
15 Sivolobova Olga Alexandrovna 17
16 Temireeva Kumiszhan Slyamgazinovna 17
17 Dogaleva Pakizada Taizhanovna 17
18 Akhmetova Asel Kasenovna 17
19 Makhmutova Gulim Sagynbayevna 17
20 Baibekova Venera Alimkulovna 17
21 Seitzhanova Dana Samatovna 17
22 Konysbaeva Zhumagul Meirzhanovn 17
23 Borambayeva Meruert Nygymetovna 17
24 Zhumzhumaev Nurtai Surshayevich 17
25 Drapova Oksana Igorevna 17

In the context of years, those who have been working at the Academy for 17 years are in 1st place -13 people; in 2nd place, those who have worked for a full 14 years – 10 people; in 3rd place, those who have worked for 16 and 10 years, 9 people each.

In the context of departments and divisions, the most committed to the university are teachers of the Department of Legal and Financial Disciplines -19 people; in the 2nd place, the Department of Pedagogy – 14 people; in the 3rd place, the Administrative and Economic part – 12 people.

“You have been stimulating the efficiency and quality of work for a long time with your work, enjoying the respect and trust of the team, contributing to the development of the university, demonstrating the norms of corporate culture in the team.

Thank you for your commitment to the Bolashaq Academy and wish you good health and success!!!”, said the Rector of the Academy, G.M. Rysmagambetova.

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