The lecture was devoted to an important and relevant topic in the field of family law — the deprivation and restriction of parental rights. During the lecture, legal aspects, grounds, procedures and consequences of deprivation or restriction of parental rights, as well as judicial practice and legislative changes in this area were considered. The open lecture was conducted by associate professor of the Department Sadykova K.K.

During the lecture, the following goals were set:
Consider the legal basis and the differences between deprivation and restriction of parental rights.
To analyze the grounds and process of deprivation or restriction of rights, as well as the consequences for parents and children.
To evaluate current changes in legislation and judicial practice in this area.
The teacher explained in detail the key concepts related to the deprivation and restriction of parental rights, such as parental rights, the grounds for their deprivation, as well as procedural features. Special attention was paid to situations where such measures become necessary to protect the interests of children. An important part of the lecture was the discussion of judicial practice and real-world examples that help to better understand how courts operate in such cases.

The lecturer stressed that the deprivation and restriction of parental rights are measures that should be applied in extreme cases when the life or health of a child is at risk. These issues require careful assessment and a careful approach by the courts in order not to violate the rights of parents, but at the same time to ensure the protection of the child.

The lecture aroused great interest among the audience, during the discussion, students asked questions about various aspects of this topic and exchanged views on how the law can improve the protection of the rights of children and parents.
Feedback from a student of the U-21-1 group, Hartman Zinaida